Last Call for Adventure
Player Characters
- Arkis Paladin of Freedom, too young to be doing this sort of thing. Played by Mandacaru (Sam)
- Baraxas vul Mard Inquisitor priest of Hextor, follower of the heretical cult of the Brothers, who revere both Hextor and Heironeous. Looks, acts evil. Isn't. Played by Feste (John)
On the Cart
Bought by Arkis:
- Feed (28d.) 1.4gp 280lb
- Fine wine (bottle) 10gp 1.5lb
- Soap 5sp 1lb
- Rations, trail (+21d.) 10.5gp 21 lb.
- Spade 2gp 8lb
- Crowbar 2gp 5lb
- 5 sacks 5sp 2.5lb
- Block & tackle 5gp 5lb
- Ladder, 10-foot 5 cp 20 lb.