Nanny Ni Hao
- “There aint no such thing as broken out here on the Edge. So shut ya trap and get to work”
- "That was your grand pappy? Dang I shot him right between the eyes for being a no good thieving skunk. Do the same to you too if those hands move any closer to them thar guns.."
- "Hey good lookin', come sit on Nanna's lap for a while.."
- Chinese 'Nanny Ni Hao' has travelled the space lanes for 5 decades, an exceptional pilot that can fly anything especially the ship she co-owns . A fast talking , streetwise gossip and carousing flirt with friends and enemies in every spaceport. You want something? She knows someone to get it..Her twin pistols, Dao sword, tattoos and strange attire will silence any room she enters.With no immediate family she has fostered a score of orphans which she has tutoured in her arts and who now work throughout the star system. A shady past with no known affiliations adds to her mystique.
- Pilot 5w
- 5 decades 13
- travelling 13
- Co owned ship
- fast talkin' # 15
- Streetwise # 15
- Gossip # 15
- Carousing 13
- Flirt 13
- Friends and enemies in every spaceport 13
- Twin pistols 15
- Dao sword 15
- Silence a room 15
- Knows someone # 13
- tattoos and strange attire 13
- No immediate family 13
- Score of orphans 13
- Tutoured 13
- A shady past 13
- No affiliations 13
- Mystique 13