Chapter 23 - Weedkillers

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Days 49-50

Having feasted and slept peacefully, the next morning saw the party preparing to return to the road and their journey northward. Taking a moment aside with their host, Aldur plied her for information of the road ahead. She could offer only vague directions for their journeys in the lands beyond her woods, but did suggest that the party might be able to find an alternate way across the swamps that protected the Tarminastir home. She suggested they seek out a gnomish village on the edge of the swamp, just north of her domain.

As they resumed their travels, Aldur, Trykaar and Leandrie began to notice that their packs seemed a little lighter, their endurance stronger, and their reaction abnormally keen. Realising that they all wore iron rings taken from the gnomes the day before, they surmised that they must be magical, and suggested that Jrak too might wish to wear one. However, as midafternoon approached, Aldur began to feel less alert, his memory more elusive. At the same time, Leandrie and Trykaar began to feel as if they were struggling against a cloud that threatened to slip over their minds. Worrying that this too might be an effect of the rings, they attempted to remove them, only to find that the rings had welded themselves to their flesh and could not be moved. Leandrie resolved that the next morning he would pray for his god to assist him in identifying the nature of the rings.

To be completed as the DM's time allows...

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