Colchester Wave

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What you are watching shows a plot between MP Falken and Blue Sun Corporation to kill the PM Holbrook. Utilizing implanted wetware technology they were able to program Valerie Sampson to commit this crime and fabricated the evidence to pin it on the independents in the Blue Sun system.

This is just another example of the Alliance and Blue Sun manipulating other and deceiving the people of the verse. Blue Sun and the Alliance have been using brain implants along with brainwashing techniques to control people’s actions. Utilizing genetic manipulation, brain surgery and drugs Blue Sun and The Alliances have been on a quest to make a “better” person, resulting in the catastrophe of Miranda and many other horrors. All the while trying to pin there corrupt action on the Independence Movement. The Independents only wishes to separate themselves from the corruption that runs rampant through the Alliance.

It is time for the people of the verse to show the Alliance and Blue Sun Corporation that we are not ROBOTS! It is time to rise up and finally bring in real reform! It is time for all members of Parliament to be removed and to hold new elections!

This time we stand up as one and bring about real change. Removing this corruption and limiting the power of the bloated corporations, so there will be no more conspiracies and no more Mirandas!