Blue Giant:Scenario Kong Tiki

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The PCs are asked to investigate a communications breakdown from a university bio-research facility on a dead planet orbiting a black hole. The base has been invaded by dangerous ape-like creatures with tiki mask like faces. These creatures have killed most of the students, and the remaining survivors need rescued from the heavily damaged base and protected from the apes.


Main Characters




Role Play






Scenario Order


Actual Play

Scenario Maps

Base Map

Generic Map of Modules

The modules are generic prefabrications and have exactly the same layout except the ground modules which have only the inner rooms 9, 10 and 11. Each module has Heavy Armour 40 on the walls and 30 on the roof and floor. There are doors at each wall next to a letter. Doors will not open if there is a difference in pressure on either side. Air on both sides or vacuum on both sides is fine. Doors have 20 Armour points and 20 Health. If the door is reduced to 10 health, it springs a leak. Characters will have air for 1 combat round for each point of health the door has left.

Mask Apes

The Mask Apes of the moon of Damocles are a vacuum dwelling, carbon based, more or less simian life forms with an enlarged, heavily armoured face plate which resembles a cross between a tiki mask and a tricerotops head. They are covered in a thick yellowish matted hair and have two enormous, two foot long horns protruding from the face plate. They are about the size of a large man.

They are aggressive, semi sentient and predatory. They treat any radio signal as a challenge to their dominance and act accordingly. Once a pecking order has been established they will obey the instructions of the dominant creature and can follow simple instructions such as 'go there', 'get that thing', follow me' etc. They produce a brief arc of electricity from their horns for show and communication. The arc will sting but is not dangerous. They can climb walls and hang from roofs or flat surfaces.

The Mask apes always try to face their enemy and will use any spare movement action to turn to face them. They are agile because of their great strength compaired to their size. If flanked they will retreat, or failing that, try to charge into or past a flanker.


Body 8, Mind 3, Soul 4


Combat Mastery - 3, Damn Healthy - 3, Features - 1 (electrical horn discharge), Heavy Armour - 3 (partial, only facing enemies), Jumping - 1 (25m), Kensai - 1 (chanbara master), Life Support - 2, Natural Weapons - 1 (horns), Sensors - 1 (radio), Special Movement - 1 (Wall Crawling), Stealth - 2, Superstrength - 2


Unskilled (2 BP)

Derived Values

Health Points: 90, Energy Points: 35, ACV: 8, DCV: 6,

Horn Attack 30 or 38 charging or 43 charging and leaping

Total CPs : 45