Real name: Michael Williamson
Forcas is a man in his late thirties, of healthy but not especially athletic build, with a touch of premature gray to his black hair that makes him appear older that he really is. Just over 6' tall he affects a straight posture by reflex, neither slouching nor leaning. Almost always found wearing business suits of high quality, his expression focused on some matter at hand, he looks more like moderately successful businessman or lawyer than anyone's mental image of a mage. Which, in addition to it being a style he feels very comfortable with, is of course the point. Due to an old leg injury he usually carries a walking stick of black metal to help him walk comfortably. Forcas' demeanor is often serious and though he does not lack a sense of humor by far he is not given to overt displays of laughter. He rarely if ever raises his voice, but with the precise articulation of a trained orator speaks just loud enough to be understood. A simple golden ring on his right hand marks him as a married man.
When Forcas uncloaks his Nimbus ambient light seems to twist around him in a strange inward-bent manner as if his body was distorting space itself. A student of physics might recognize as a strong gravity-lens effect such as might be exerted by a singularity. This visual is accompanied by a feeling of vertigo, as if leaning over a chasm and being drawn forward and down by gravity.
Path: Mastigos
Order: Guardian of the Veil
Legacy: None
Virtue: Prudence
Vice: Pride
MENTAL: Intelligence 3, Wits 2, Resolve 4
PHYSICAL: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2
SOCIAL: Presence 1, Manipulation 3, Composure 3
MENTAL: Academics 4 (Law), Investigation 1, Medicine 0, Occult 0, Politics 2
PHYSICAL: Firearms 2, Larceny 1, Stealth 1
SOCIAL: Empathy 2 (Motives), Persuasion 4 (Deals & Compromises), Socialize 2, Subterfuge 3
Willpower: 7/7
Wisdom: 6
Initiative: 5
Defense: 2
Speed: 6
Health: 7
- High Speech
- Order Status (Guardians of the Veil) 1
- Resources 1 (a well-paying job, rating currently lowered due to expenses)
- Hallow 1 (contribution to cabal Hallow)
- Sanctum 1 (contribution to cabal Sanctum)
Gnosis: 3
Mana: 6/12, max 3/turn
Arcana: Mind 3, Space 1, Life 2
Guardians of the Veil Rote Specialties: Investigation, Stealth, Subterfuge
- Freeing the Time of the Night (Mind 2, Life 2, Stamina+Investigation+Mind, 7 dice)
- Evidence Shroud (Life 2, Wits+Investigation+Life, 6 dice)
- Crime Scene Investigation (Life 1, Space 1, Wits+Investigation+Life, 6 dice)
Notable Equipment
Path tool: A walking stick of black iron
Order tool: A white silk scarf
- Two smartphones with bluetooth headset, one for mundane and one for magical matters
- A briefcase with hidden compartment
- Lockpicking tools (usually in the briefcase)
- A silenced Glock 22 (Dmg 2L 9again, Range 20/40/80, Capacity 15+1, Str 2), in shoulder holster or hidden in the briefcase
- Both parents still alive, one sister
- followed in his father's footsteps in pursuing a legal career
- accident in his mid-twenties caused permanent damage to his left leg
- gained a PhD in Law and became a successful lawyer
- happily married, without children. A wide circle of friends and social contacts.
- In a car accident (with supernatural cause?) his wife died while he remained almost untouched
- In the aftermath he took to drowning himself in work during the day and to drinking during the night
- Isolated himself from the world, fell out of contact with friends
- Finally nearly overdid it with pills and alcohol, suffering a vision of hell - Pandemonium - that mercilessly confronted him with his weaknesses and failures, leaving him resolved to better himself
- Discovered magic after that and came to Guardian attention after quickly dismissing several Labyrinth cults as bogus
- Recruited by Guardians, entered apprenticeship and passed through the Veils of initiation
- In the process distancing himself from his Sleeper family and the few friends he hadn't alienated already by that time. The pretext is needing a 'change of scenery' and emigrating to Australia without leaving contact information.
- Finally became a full member of the Guardians of the Veil
Goals and Motivations
- To improve himself in understanding and more importantly in character to overcome his weaknesses. Integrate himself into magical society and find new friends.
- Mission: Protect the Mysteries from Sleepers and the Abyss, protect Sleepers from supernatural threats. Do his duty in the war against the Seers of the Throne.
- Research High Speech, perhaps as an eventual path to Ascension?
- Cabal goals?
- ...
Ties to NPCs
- Richard Williamson (father
- Dana Williamson (mother)
- Cathrin Williamson (sister)
- Master (to be expanded)
- ...?
XP gained: 0 (+5 starting with Wisdom 6)
Arcane XP gained: 0
Spent: 4
Unspent: 1
Expenditures: Resources 1 (2 XP), Hallow 1 (2 XP)
Earmarked Merits: Masque, Fighting Style (Combat Markmanship), Trained Observer, Bureaucratic Navigator, Occultation