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Name: Quint
Homeworld: Imperial World(Sepheris Secundus)
Career: Adept
Rank: Scrivener
Gender: Male
Build: Svelte
Skin Color: Dyed
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Brown
Age: 21
Quirk: You walk with a slouched gait.
Planet of Birth: Dead Planet
Divination: To war is human.
Starting XP: 400
Starting Package: None
Spent XP: 1050
XP Left to spend:500


Score History
WS 40 -
BS 30 -
S 38 -
T 30 -
Ag 35 -
Int 39 29 +5 +5
Per 39 +5
WP 38 30 +8
Fel 30 -


Wounds 6 of 15
13+1+1 Fate Points 1 of 2
Insanity Points 8
Corruption Points 3
Thrones 21


  • Superior Origins Gain +3 WP.
  • Litugical Familiarity
  • Blessed Ignorance -5 to Forbidden Lore tests.


Simple advance: Intelligence.
Forbidden Lore: Cults.
Common Lore: Administratum.
Intermediate advance: Intelligence.
Simple advance: Willpower.
Sound constitution.

Basic Skills

Common Lore (Imperial Creed) (Int) (Hagi.), Common Lore (Imperium) (Int) (Hagi.), Common Lore (War) (Int) (Hagi.), Literacy (Int) (Lit. Fam.), Speak Language (High Gothic) (Int) (Lit. Fam.)

Advanced Skills

(Trained only)
Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int), Literacy (Int), Common Lore (Imperium) (Int), Trade (Copyist) (Int), Scholastic Lore (Legend) (Int)


  • Melee Weapon Training (Primitive)
  • Resistance (Cold)
  • Sprint
  • Pistol training (las)
  • Furious assault


  • Administratum robes (Common Quality Clothing)
  • backpack
  • auto-quill
  • chrono
  • illuminated tome,
  • holy best quality mono sword.(1d10+1 R damage., 2 pen, +10 to WS.)
  • laspistol, 2 change packs
  • auto-gun, 5 full clips of 30.(1d10+3 I, ROF S/3/10)
  • 1 frak grenade
  • lamp-pack
  • 2 poor knives.
  • chest plate (AV 6 Body)
  • good-quality Flak Greatcoat (Av 4 body and arms.)
  • photo-visor.
  • (common) void suit


Quint was raised on Sepheris Secundus, the son of a lowly nun and a local cutpurse. She, of course, was burned at the stake while the cutpurse fled before the lynch mob could gather to find him. Quint was given over to the learned monks of Icenholm to be brought up properly, becoming the apprentice of one of the monks, an aged adept working for a baron. He mostly acted as a gofer until one day he was sent to one of the mines for an ore manifest. A Xeno worshiping cult of mutants and pit-slaves chose that day to rebel. Only sheer luck found him falling into the inquisitor’s response team (quite literally) and helping them finish the mutant scum.