Slipstream Rocketship
The Rocketship
- Acceleration/Thrust : 10/80 (how fast the ship can build speed per round, up to its maximum speed)
- Travel Speed : 1 (how many squares the ship can traverse [see Slipstream map] per hour of travel time)
- Handling : -1 (effects piloting rolls/group piloting rolls)
- Toughness : 13 [2] (The ships total Toughness, the number in parentheses is its armour. All ships are classed as having Heavy Armour and cannot be damaged by small arms fire)
- Crew : 2 + 6 passengers
- Cargo Space : 1 (how much space the ship has for transporting cargo/alien artifacts, these areas are ill-suited for transporting additional passengers)
- Weapons : None