The Dawn After Steam: More Chargen Info
Skill Ladder
This is the list of skills levels. You are assumed to be mediocre (+0) at everything unless stated otherwise:
- +8: Legendary
- +7: Epic
- +6: Fantastic
- +5: Superb
- +4: Great
- +3: Good
- +2: Fair
- +1: Average
- 0: Mediocre
- -1: Poor
- -2: Terrible
- -3 Abysmal
As mentioned before, PCs are capped at +5. They can't have skills that start higher than that.
Skill Pyramid
Basically, you must have more skills at one rung of the ladder then you can have at the next higher. So, you could have 1 good skill, 2 fair skills, and 3 average skills. You cannot have 2 fair and 2 average.
Here is the list of skills in LoA (if you want descriptions, contact GM):
- Academics
- Alertness
- Art
- Artificer
- Athletics
- Burglary
- Contacting
- Deceit
- Drive
- Empathy
- Fists
- Gambling
- Intimidation
- Investigation
- Leadership
- Melee Weapon
- Might
- Magic Power (Specify)
- Pilot
- Ranged Weapon
- Rapport
- Resolve
- Resources
- Science
- Sleight of hand
- Stealth
- Survival