"A terrible corruption of something that was once human, a Reaver is obsessed by pain—both causing it and feeling it. The Reaver’s flesh is disfigured with radiation burns, slashed by
self-inflicted knife wounds, and pierced by various sharp objects—everything from nails to barbed fish hooks. His hair is sparse and falling out in clumps. His teeth are filed to sharp points and stained with blood. His clothes are ragged, held together by patches made out of human skin stripped off his victims. The cloth is stiff with the dried blood of those he butchered.
His breath is foul. He stinks of blood and death. His weapons double as implements of torture. He takes pleasure in the killing, and he wants his victim to remain alive as long as possible. He is utterly savage, without mercy or compassion of any kind. He has no fear of dying himself—he may even welcome the thought. The threat of death will not deter him from his bestial, brutal acts."
-Serenity RPG
What do we know about Reavers?
- Reavers were created by PAX introduced into the atmosphere of Miranda in an attempt to pacify the population. That same drug caused 99.9% of the population to stop acting and die of starvation.
- Reavers do not seem to be slowed down by pain and are harder than typical humans to kill.
- Reavers have been spotted in Blue Sun, Kalidasa, and Georgia systems.
- Reavers can be affected by Prion Disease.
- Reavers have kept some of their victims alive for extended periods both to be tortured, and to witness the torture they inflict.
- Reavers set elaborate traps
What don't we know about Reavers?
- How many Reavers are there?
Hypotheses, conjectures, and guesses about Reavers.