Dr. Molly Morrison, Ipos-chan and P.E.T.E.R.

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Dr. Molly Morrison

Ability Scores [26pp]

Strength 4 (-3) [-2pp]

Dexterity 10 (+0) [0pp]

Constitution 10 (+0) [0pp]

Intelligence 30 (+10) [20pp]

Wisdom 10 (+0) [0pp]

Charisma 18 (+4) [8pp]

Combat [0pp]

Initiative +0

Attack Bonus +1 [0pp]

Defense 11 [0pp]

Toughness: -1 [0pp]

Saves [6pp]

Fortitude: 0 (+0) [0pp] Reflex: 0 (+0) [0pp] Will: 6 (+6) [6pp]

Skills [16pp]

Bluff 3 (+7)

Computers 11 (+21, +25 with tool)

Craft (Electronic) 11 (+21, +25 with tool)

Diplomacy 3 (+7)

Disable Device 11 (+20, +25 with tool)

Knowledge (Technology) 11 (+21)

Profession (Hacker) 10 (+10)

Language 4 (Base English; Japanese, German, two others)

Feats [15pp]

Adorable 2


Skill Mastery 1 (Computers, Craft (Electronic), Disable Device, Knowledge (Technology))

Interface 3 (Computers, Craft (Electronic), Disable Device)

Mechanical Genius (Mecha)

Online Research

Bishojo 1

Kawaii (Diplomacy) 1

Eidetic Memory



Improvised Tool

Powers [31pp]

Immunity 5 (Interaction Skills) [5pp]

Shrinking 4 (natural child size; Extras: Continuous Duration +1; Flaws: Permanent –1; Feats: Innate 1) [5pp]

Quickness 6 (100 times faster; Flaws: One Type (Mental) -1) [3pp]

Interdimensional Polynomial Oriented Storage, I.P.O.S. Gadgets 2 (easy to lose; Feats: Indestructible, Restricted 2 (Molly)) [15pp] P.E.T.E.R. Device 30 (Feats: Restricted (Molly) 2, Summonable 1)

Drawbacks [-4pp]

Low Pain Threshold -4

Point Total

Abilities 26 + Combat 0 + Saves 6 + Skills 16 + Feats 15 + Powers 31 - Drawbacks 4 = 90

Custom Feat

Adorable You’re an adorable child, or at least you appear to be one. You have +4 bonus per rank on Bluff and Diplomacy checks to let people’s guard down or induce a sense of protection toward you. This bonus cannot increase your total effective skill rank higher than the campaign’s power level limit.