Djinn Trading
- Karam 150 silvers @
Partners..Fish trade
- Cuno
- co owns 2 mules
- 50/50 dried fish
- 30 javelin heads (Karam) enc .1 each 3 enc @ worth 5s each
- 50 javelin heads 5 enc
- 3 boxes of nails (50 in each) 1.5 enc worth 10s each box
- trade baubels 2 enc 20s
- 30 enc smoked fish .2s an enc
- 18 enc pickled fish .4s
- 18 enc salted fish .5s
- Abu Fas owned and ridden by Jabal
- 2 Jabals possessions (30 spare enc)co owned by Cuno and Jabal
- 3 (60 enc) co; owned by Cuno and Jabal
Bought goods
- jabal plans to barter javelin heads for furs, feathers and tribal goods.
- He will also trade them fish.
- Fish is mainly for the first citadel to test the market. To be feasible a wagon would be needed to carry the quantities needed for a healthy profit.