- Sorcery [Mysteries]
- Athletics [Athletics]
- Craft [Art and Engineering]
- Deception [Deceit, Gambling, Rapport]
- Empathy [Empathy]
- Gather Information [Contacting and Investigation]
- Healer [Science]
- Lore [Academics and Art]
- Melee Combat [Weapons]
- Perception [Alertness and Investigation]
- Persuasion [Intimidation and Leadership]
- Physicality [Endurance and Might]
- Ranged Combat [Guns]
- Resolve [Resolve]
- Resources [Resources]*
- Riding [Drive, Pilot, Survival]
- Science [Engineering and Science]
- Stealth [Stealth]
- Survival [Survival]
- Thievery [Burglary, Gambling, Sleight of Hand]
- Unarmed Combat [Fists]
*Campaign-specific, remove in some campaigns, keep in others.