Campaign: B/X_Quasi-Dragonlance:_Module_DL1
Biographical Info
- Name Tanis Half-Elven
- Sex Male
- Age 102
- Height 5'10"
- Weight 145lbs
- Hair Red
- Eyes Hazel
- Skin Fair
- History and Personality
I have wandered through forest and wilderness for five years: Through Qualinesti west of the Kharolis Mountains, through the Forests of Kith-Kanan, all the way to the sea. I found no trace of healers---not even tales of them---in my travels. Still, the gods of good must exist: their signs are everywhere. The White Stag led me on good paths, the wheeling bird foretold war, and the thunderclouds warned me of danger. These are the handiwork of the good gods. But I found no cleric to the west.
- Description
- Class Woodsman
- Level 4
- EXP 16118
- XP required for next level 17000 (10% bonus)
- Alignment Neutral
- STR 14 (+1 to hit/damage, +1 open doors)
- INT 12 (read/write)
- WIS 6 (-1 to magic based saves)
- DEX 16 (+2 hit/-2 AC/+1 init)
- CON 15 (+1 hit points/hit die)
- CHR 12 (+0 reactions/4 retainers/7 morale)
Combat Stats
- AC 4 (5 w/o shield)
- HP 29
- Move 90/30/90
- Saving Throws
- Death Ray or Poison 10
- Magic Wands 11
- Paralysis or Turn to Stone 12
- Dragon Breath 13
- Rod, Staff, or Spell 14
Race and Class Abilities
Dwarven XP chart, Fighter Saving Throws
Prime Requisites as Halfling (STR or DEX 13+ = 5%, STR and DEX 13+ = 10%
Fighter hit chart with ranged weapons and normal swords
Cleric hit chart for all other weapons
When wearing leather armor:
- 10% chance to be detected when hiding in woods
- +1 to hit with ranged attacks
"Ranger stuff" - hunting, tracking, etc.
- Common
- Qualinesti Elven
Gear and Treasure
- Encumbrance 520
- Coins EM 45 IP 0 SP 0 CP 0 PP 0 BP 0
- Armor
Leather Armor (Base AC 7, 200 cn)
Shield (-1 AC, 100 cn)
- Weapons
Sword (D8, 60 cn)
Long Bow w/ 40 arrows (D6,30 cn)
- Gear
Misc Gear: (80 cn)
Tinder Box
Torches (6)
Rations, Standard - 1 week
- Treasure