Chaos Touch

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Chaos Touch

Effect: Mental
Range: Touch
Cost: 2 points/rank
Action: Standard
Duration: Instant (Lasting)
Saving Throw: Will

Power Description: With a simple touch you can cause someone to act erratically. With a failed Save (DC 10+Rank), the target starts to make a single one-round random action that has nothing to do with his current behavior and is determined by the GM. An example would be a bank teller clucking like a chicken while counting out bills or a hero singing a sea shanty in the middle of a fight. The player has zero control over what his target does. After the target performs his behavior, he is then stunned by his action for an additional round, unable to take any actions but defend himself while he tries to figure out why he behaved the way he did (the stun still works, even if the target knows about this power or has been affected by it before). If the target fails his save by 5 or more, he performs two actions and is stunned for two rounds. If he fails his save by 10 or more this goes to 3 actions and three rounds, 15 or more lasts for 4 actions and rounds of stun, etc.


  • Discordian: If your target fails his saving throw, he automatically begins with two actions and two rounds of stun.


  • Ranged (+1): You can cause chaos in your subjects at normal range by making a ranged attack roll against the subject.
  • Mass Hysteria (+3): You can affect up to 5 targets with your power. Each target counts as a separate use of your power, and unless you have the Ranged extra, each target must be touched separately.


  • Limited (-1): You can only affect a particular type of subject (i.e. males, red-heads, men in business suits). “Humans Only” is not a valid flaw, unless humans are uncommon in the campaign.
  • Chaos Feedback (-1) If your target makes his saving throw by 5 or more, you are affected by your own power instead.