Pandora the Hunters Daughter
Character in the RC Zeroes2Heroes campaign
Played by Pandora Caitiff
Biographical Info
- Name Pandora the Hunter's Daughter
- Sex Female
- Age 17
- Height 5' 6"
- Weight 160lbs (a little on the heavy side for her
- Hair Dark brown
- Eyes Blue
- Skin Lightly tanned
- History and Personality Pandora is the daughter of one of the men charged with providing food for the village. Not wanting her to come on hunting expeditions, he taught her line fishing. Which was fine by her. Even managing several rods was quiet, slow work giving her plenty of time to think and observe the world. It also taught her than patience can be rewarded. But every now and then, she prays for something more intersting to happen...
- Description
- Class n/a
- Level 0
- EXP -500
- Alignment Neutral
- STR 9
- INT 16 (+2)
- WIS 13 (+1)
- DEX 9
- CON 12
- CHR 14 (+1)
Combat Stats
- THAC0 20
- AC
- HP 6
- Move
- Saving Throws
- Death Ray or Poison
- Magic Wands
- Paralysis or Turn to Stone
- Dragon Breath
- Rod, Staff, or Spell
Race and Class Abilities
==Gear and Treasure==
Solid club
Fishing line
Three fishing hooks
2 fishing floats
Friendship bracelet (made of leather cord)
- Encumbrance
- Coins GP EP SP CP
- Weapons
- Gear
- Treasure
Character in the RC Zeroes2Heroes campaign