Yurik Drozopczech
E DROZOPCZECH. This youth is plain, determined, intelligent and scrupulously honest, although extremely poor. He has been taken into trade by a distant relative, Anton Berrudczeck, for whom he intends to work hard, although he has had already occasion to note the other's shoddy business practices. He informs his cousin whenever he spots opportunity for innovation or expansion in the business
YURIK DROZOPCZECH, Age 18, Idealistic Clerk
STR 15 CON 14 SIZ 14 INT15 POW 9 DEX 14 APP 11 EDU 12 SAN 45 HP14
Damage Bonus: +104.
Weapon: Club 45%, damage 108 +db
Skills: Acx:ountlng 40%, Art (Oratory) 35%, Bargain 40%, Climb 65%, Credit Rating 35%, EngUsh 25%, Arst Aid 35%, French 20%, German 40%, Hide 40%, Usten 45%, PoBsh 75%, Serbian 15%, Spot Hidden 65%, Throw 55%, Track 55%.
Quots: 'For why do we have ali these forks, Uncle?'