Mrs Beatrice Chadaver
Mrs. BEATRICE CHADAVER. She is a formidable English matron, genuinely fond of her daughter, Belinda, but also is vain, hypocritical, and without good taste, as her overly-beribboned clothing, and ostentatious jewelry betray. Chief amongst the jewelry is a heavy silver chain and crucifix fashionable this season in Sl Moritz. She lw; two things on her mind. The fust is an advantageous marriage for Belinda, and secondly the forthcoming meeting with her husband in Karlensburg, whose small salary cannot support her current level of income.
BEATRICE CHADAVER, Age 37, English Matron STR10 CON 16 SIZ15 INT10 POW 10 DEX 13 APP 8 EDU 12 SAN 50 HP 16 Damage Bonus: 104.
Weapons: Hammer With Silver Crucifix 35%, damage 104 Fingernails 45%, damage 1 02
Skills: Art (Plano) 40%, Art (Sing) 10%, Bargain 55%, Credit Rating 45%, Dodge 35%. Envy 90%, Fast Talk 65%, French 20%, Hide 15%. Persuade 20%, Psychology 45%, Sing 10%, Sneak 60%.
Quote: 'That Is hopelessly out of fashion.'