Chloe the Claw Strider
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Str 10
Dex 7
Sta 10
Int 2
Wits 4
Per 6
HLs: -0x2/-1x2(12)/-2x2/-4x2/I
JB: 14
Bite: Speed 6 Acc 10 Dam 13L Rate 2
Claw: Speed 5 Acc 12 Dam 10L Rate 2
Dodge DV: (Dex 7 + Dodge 2 + Essence 3)/2 = 6
Soak: Hide 5L/3B + Stamina 10B = 5L/13B
Athletics 5 (Sprinting +1)
Awareness 5 (Sharp Sight +3)
Dodge 2
Integrity 2
Investigation 2
MA 3 (Bite +1, Claw +1)
Presence 2 (Intimidation +2)
Resistance 5
Stealth 3 (Ambush +3)
Survival 5
Virtues, Willpower and Essence
Compassion 2
Conviction 3
Temperance 2
Valor 5
Willpower 7
Essence 3 (30 motes)
Frog Tongue (Affliction -2)
Inexhaustible (Affliction -2)
Cheetah's Pace (Blight -4)
Enlightened Essence (Blight -4)
Perfect Partnership Method (Abomination -6)
Improvements from Bestial Traits Technique
Str +3
Dex +3
Sta +3
Valor 5
Athletics, Awareness, Resistance and Survival to 5
+10 -1 HLs
Adult human Intelligence (2?)