(This is a placeholder.)
- 1st level ranger
- Description:
5'2" 105# elven male, 125 years old; whipcord frame, ruddy skin, pine green eyes darkening to brown near the iris, and short, tousled black hair.
- Vital Statistics:
S: 12 +1 D: 16 +3 C: 10 +0 I: 10 +0 W: 15 +2 Ch: 12 +1
AC: 5 (+2 leather) (+3 dex) HP: 8 BAB: +1 base +2 melee (str) +4 missile (dex) +5 missile w/in 30' (dex, point blank shot feat)
- Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +2 Reflex: +5 (+3 from dex) Will: +2 (+2 from wis), +4 vs. enchantment
- Move: 30
- Armor Check Penalty: 0
- Arcane Spell Failure: 10%
- Alignment: Chaotic Good
- Favored Enemies:
Undead: +2 vs. Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive ("BRAAAAIINNS"), Spot, Survival; +2 damage
- Feats: (Source)
Immunity to Sleep (Elf) +2 Resistance to Enchantment (Elf) Low Light Vision (Elf) +2 to Listen, Search and Spot (Elf) Automatic Search check w/in 5' of secret or concealed door (Elf) Spoken Languages: Common, Elven (Elf) Martial Weapon Proficiency: Clichéd elven weapons (Elf) Armor Proficiency: Light (Ranger) Shield Proficiency (Ranger) Martial Weapon Proficiency (Ranger) Track (Ranger) Wild Empathy (Ranger) Point Blank Shot (1st level feat)
Skills, Points, Ability: Total Modifier
Climb, 2, Str: +3 Handle Animal, 3, Wis: +5 Hide, 4, Dex, +7 Heal, 3, Wis, +5 Knowledge (dungeoneering), 3, Int, +3 Knowledge (nature), 3, Int, +3 Listen, 0, Wis, +4 (+6 vs. Undead) Ride (Horse), 2, Dex, +5 Search, 0, Int, +2 (elf) Spot, 0, Wis, +4 (elf) (+6 vs. Undead) Survival, 4, Wis, +6 (+8 vs. Undead)
- Equipment, Cost, Weight:
Explorer's Outfit, n/a, n/a Traveler's Outfit, 1gp, 5# Longsword, 15gp, 4# Light Hammer, 1gp, 2# Sling, n/a, n/a 10 Bullets, 1sp, 5# Leather, 10gp, 15# Backpack, 2gp, 15# Flint and steel, 1gp, n/a Candle (10), 1sp, n/a Fishhook (5), 5sp, n/a Ink, 8gp, n/a Pen, 1sp, n/a Paper (10 sheets), 4gp, n/a Trail Rations (3 days), 1.5gp, 3# Healer's Kit, 50gp, 1# Waterskin, 1gp, 4# Holy Water (flask), 25gp, 1#
- Weight carried: 41#
- Coin: 80gp, 7sp