The Wyzard Runs OD&D

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  • Played by Asen G
  • Neutral Human Fighting Man
  • STR 14 (5% bonus XP) INT 12 WIS 5 (unreasonable, impulsive, and what else?) CON 10 DEX 13 (+1 missile adjustment) CHA 4 (-2 loyalty, -2 Reaction, Maximum number of Henchman 1)
  • Languages: Common, Moon Tongue and Thracian
  • HP 7 max/7 currently
  • AC 2 (3 without the shield)
  • XP 24, 32, 56, 851, 871

Equipment Warhammer, Dagger, Halberd, Javelin, Plate Armour, Helmet, Shield, 200' Rope, 10' Pole, 24 Iron Spikes, leather backpack, 2 waterskins, 11 torches, 3 flasks of oil, 3 stakes & mallet, 1 quart wine, lantern, steel mirror, bunch of wolfsbane, garlic bud, 2 wk iron rations

2 GP, 52, 809, 759, 675 GP

Gworg the Unwise

  • Played by Julius Sleazer
  • Neutral Human Fighting Man
  • STR 12 INT 10 WIS 5 CON 11 DEX 9 CHA 5
  • HP 4
  • AC 6
  • XP 870

Equipment Leather Armor, Shield, Helmet, One-Handed Sword, Short Bow, 20 Arrows, 2 Silver-Tipped Arrows, Dagger, Two Weeks of Iron Rations, Leather Backpack, Waterskin (x1), 50' Rope, 7 Torch(es), 8 Flasks of Oil, 5 bunches of Wolfsbane, 1 Wooden Holy Symbol, 1 Vial of Holy Water, 2 garlic buds

247 gp

Mount Information 1 Medium Warhorse,1 Saddle, 2 Weeks of Feed for Warhorse


  • Played by Ashikaider
  • Neutral Human Fighting Man
  • STR 14 (5% bonus XP) INT 7 WIS 5 CON 10 DEX 4 (-1 missile adjustment) CHA 13 (+1 loyalty)
  • HP 5
  • AC 3

Equipment Big 2-handed axe, Plate Mail, Helmet, Draft Horse, Saddle Bags, 50' Rope, 10' Pole, 12 Iron Spikes, 3 Large Sacks, Leather Backpack, Waterskin, 6 weeks Rations, 6 weeks horse feed, 6 bottles lamp oil, 90 GP left,

  • XP 218


  • GP


  • Played by radiant song
  • Neutral Human Fighting Man
  • Level 1
  • STR 17 (+10% XP) INT 14 WIS 5 CON 18 (+1 HP) DEX 13 (+1 missile adjustment) CHA 8
  • HP: 5
  • AC: 3 (2 with shield)
  • XP: 194


  • Plate mail, shield, helmet
  • Axe, short bow, arrows (19), silver-tipped arrows (4), sling, sling bullets (19)
  • Leather backpack, waterskin, large sack, torches (6), oil flasks (2)
  • Quarts of wine (4), iron rations (7 days), normal rations (7 days)
  • Bedroll, good quality inkstone, ordinary quills (2), paper (3 sheets)
  • Remaining gold: 9.9 gp


  • Played by Kacie
  • Human Fighting Woman
  • Str 14 (+5 %XP) Int 12 Wis 7 Con 10 Dex 10 Chr 5
  • HP:3
  • AC:2

Equipment:Chain Mail, Long Sword, Shield, Helmet, Light Crossbow & quarrel of 30 bolts, 50' Rope, 12 Iron Spikes, leather backpack, waterskin, 6 torches, lantern, flask of oil, 1 quart wine, 1 wk iron rations, 1 wk normal rations Plate Armor, lamp, 7 oil flasks, bedroll

Remaining gold: 757 - 50 - other things Exp: 833

Frederik, the Friendly

  • Played by Nick the Nevermet
  • Lawful Human Magic-User
  • Strength: 12 Intelligence: 12 Wisdom: 9 Constitution: 10 Dexterity: 8 Charisma: 13 (+1 loyalty modifier)
  • HP:1
  • AC:9
  • XP total: 1,850 (Next Level: 2,500)
  • Languages: Common, Goblin, Thracian


  • 4 daggers
  • Mule (named "Pregib"), Wagon, Saddle, saddlebags, 50' rope, 12 iron spikes, 2 small sacks, 1 large sack
  • waterskin, Iron Rations, 3 weeks
  • 11 torches, Lantern, 10 flasks of oil
  • 1 quart of wine
  • 1 quart waterskin
  • Pearl
  • Remaining GP: 1,473
  • 1st Level Spells Known: Magic Missile, Shield, Sleep, Light, Hold Portal (Sleep memorized but used for the day)

Ganch of Pine

  • Played by TrogdorTheBurninator
  • Neutral Human Fighting Man
  • Strength: 11 Intelligence: 9 Wisdom: 7 Constitution: 11 Dexterity: 15 Charisma: 12
  • HP:6
  • AC:5, 4 with shield
  • XP: 243

Equipment:Short Bow, Spear, Axe, 18 Arrows, 2 Silver-Tipped Arrows, Leather Armor, Helmet, Shield, Two weeks normal rations, Quart of wine, 6 torches, waterskin, large sack, Remaining GP: 180 Trophies: 1 ogre tooth, 1 skeleton bone, 1 beastman shark tooth


  • Played by Hellzon
  • Neutral Human Magic-User
  • Str 8 Int 13 Wis 9 Con 8 Dex 12 Cha 11 (5% XP bonus)
  • Languages: Common, Draconic, Reptilian, Old Amaranthian
  • Spells known (Prepared spells marked with asterisks):
    • Read Magic, Read Languages, Protection from Evil, Shield*, Magic Missile
  • HP 5
  • AC 9
  • XP 0


  • Quarterstaff, 3 daggers
  • Leather backpack
    • 50' Rope, 10' Pole, 2 Waterskins, 2 wk iron rations, 6 Torches, Steel mirror, Bunch of wolfsbane, Garlic bud, Vial of holy water
    • 15 GP

Communally used Possessions

(Put individual owning them in brackets)

  • 3 Carts (2xSarlinha, 1xGworg)
  • 6 Draft horses (5xSarlinha, 1xGworg)
  • 12wks feed (10xSarlinha, 2xGworg)

Outstanding Plot Hooks

A list of treasure maps, legends, rumors, vendettas, and similar that have yet to be pursued.

  • There are rumors of a city across the mountains to the North. Supposedly some merchants on charter recently made it back - only two of the band survived the journey, with a single wagon of goods, and they have been cloistered with their house since then. So, nothing firm can be obtained. But it is said in the rumor-dens that this metropolis is much larger and more prosperous than even Veya, an ancient and decadent people inhabit it. There is also a great netherworld beneath the city, full of treasures and fell creatures. You cannot properly find a name, as even the existence of this city is considered somewhat mythical. All that is known is that to reach it, you must go through the bear mountains and travel North.
  • Captain Hollis the mercenary is offering 150 gp each to escort a caravan going south and protect it from beast-men, but it leaves in a week, which may mean the party might still be in the field when Hollis' offer expires.

Unassigned Loot

This is loot that doesn't yet "belong" to a PC, or has not yet been identified. It should nonetheless be noted who is carrying any given item, in case they fall into a pit or are devoured. Any item not listed on a particular character's sheet or indicating whom is carrying it may be judged lost.

Ebony and silver scroll case worth 50 gp - with Professor Randall

Pearl, worth ~100 gp - with Frederik

Large gem (type unidentified) worth ~1000 gp - from right eyesocket of leering face in wall of ghoul chamber - with Gworg


The players may wish to make note of important or interesting NPCs


From time to time, the players may map wilderness or dungeon areas. Links to maps and descriptions of those areas should be placed here.

  • Map showing location of standing stones:
    • Carried by the Professor, found at the burnt out inn in the boney hands of the ex-propriator
    • It describes a path through the hills and forests off to the Northeast. While the cartographer was slightly vague about the precise terrain through which one might travel, it does contain enough information about distances and landmarks so as to be useful. Assuming it is accurate rather than fictitious. The path terminates at what appears to be a hill topped with a ring of standing stones.
    • In the same hand as the various notes on the route to take to get there, there is some description of the destination. The writing is in the common tongue, anyone with at least close to typical intelligence can read it.
    • "Here rests the crypt-complex which is the last remnant of the People of the Weeping Wood. The tomb of their chieftain Renf the Red-Handed is said to be somewhere within, and to still contain his burial treasures. Those who delved to recover them have returned empty-handed, if at all."


Notes on unmapped areas such as cities, &c.

House Rules & Other Behind-the-Curtain Matters

To the extent that the players are informed, this information will go here.

  • Hit Points: Unlike future editions of the game, all of a PC's hit dice will be re-rolled at each level, with the new total being taken if it is higher than the previous total.
  • Hit Points, 2: As an act of entirely undeserved mercy, this game will allow PCs to survive being reduced to 0 HP at the option of the player. If one is reduced to 0 HP, one is semiconscious and prone. Further activity is likely to prove fatal, and 1d6 days of convalescence above and beyond the normal time required for healing will be necessary to restore the PC to health and well-being. At the player's option, the PC can simply lack the will to live and expire normally. A wound-curing spell will return the stricken PC to 1 HP, rather than having its normal effect.
  • Modifiers in Combat: As an act of simplification, situations which give a clear advantage to one party or another in combat, which that party is able and inclined to take advantage of, will generally give a +2 or -2 to-hit or to AC, as appropriate. Attacking from behind (or while invisible, etc.) against an opponent who is completely unaware will grant a +4.
  • Weapon Damage: As written in book 1, all weapons do 1d6. In order to prevent odd results from this (such as everyone packing daggers due to their inexpense) I have modified this somewhat. Poor-quality weapons are less expensive, but have some drawback. Examples: Quarterstaves cannot be used one-handed, daggers and slings do only 1d4 damage. Large, two-handed weapons are slightly more expensive and require both hands. However, for a hit with these weapons I will roll 2d6 damage and take the better of the two results.
  • Combat Modifiers & Weapon Damage, Continued: Each weapon has situations in which it is better or poorly suited. In those situations, the +2 or -2 modifier referred to above will apply. It is suggested that in these circumstances (facing a charging enemy with a readied spear, grappling with a dagger or short sword, fighting a wooden enemy with an axe) the player make some note of how they think their weapon will give an advantage, either in the form of an IC statement of intent, or in an OOC spoiler-block, etc. This is not the same as a "stunt bonus" and no particular artfulness is required in the description. This is about how the PC takes advantage of terrain or the attributes of their enemy to use their weapon to its best effect. In extreme cases, the weapon damage might be modified as well.
  • Tokens: From time to time and as I feel it is justified, I will distribute to players "tokens," which are worth some amount of XP or may be traded in for a reroll of one die. These will take the place of story or other awards, or awards for exceptional OOC contributions. The player may spend them to gain XP during any portion of downtime. They may be saved between PCs or given to NPC cohorts for XP. Their XP value is NOT changed by exceptional characteristics.

Equipment/Price list

Melee weapons

  • Dagger or Quarterstaff* 5 GP
  • Normal one-handed weapon (spear, mace, axe, sword etc.) 10
  • Big two-handed weapon (unavailable to dwarves) 15

Ranged weapons

  • Short Bow 25
  • Long Bow 40
  • Composite Bow 50
  • Light Crossbow 15
  • Heavy Crossbow 25
  • 20 Arrows 10
  • 30 Quarrels 10
  • 1 Silver-Tipped arrow 5

Conveyances and packbeasts

  • Mule 20
  • Draft Horse 30
  • Light Horse 40
  • Medium Warhorse 100
  • Saddle 25
  • Saddle Bags 10
  • Cart 100
  • Raft 40
  • Small Boat 100
  • 1wk feed 7


  • Leather Armor 15
  • Chain Armor 30
  • Plate Armor 50
  • Helmet 10
  • Shield 10


  • bedroll 5
  • 50' Rope 1
  • 10' Pole 1
  • 12 Iron Spikes 1
  • small sack 1
  • large sack 2
  • leather backpack 5
  • waterskin 1
  • 6 torches 1
  • lantern 10
  • flask of oil 2
  • 3 stakes & mallet
  • steel mirror 5
  • silver mirror 15
  • wooden holy symbol 2
  • silver holy symbol 25
  • vial of holy water 25
  • bunch of wolfsbane or belladonna 10
  • garlic bud 5
  • 1 quart wine 1
  • 1 wk iron rations 15
  • 1 wk normal rations 5


Every PC knows the common tongue. For each point of Intelligence above ten, they may know one additional language. Below I will list some possible languages; ask if you have other nominations.

  • Goblin (Works with any of the goblinoid races)
  • Fey (For fairy and forest type creatures)
  • Draconic (The tongue of dragons - 13 Int minimum to achieve fluency)
  • Giantish
  • Old Amaranthian (Dead language, was spoken in a widespread sorcerous empire)
  • Thracian (A mostly dead language, spoken by a widely-traveled group of seafaring kingdoms. Still spoken in some isolated colonies.)
  • Elven
  • Dwarven
  • Primalingua (Spoken most frequently by angels, demons, and other powerful spirits. Useful in incantations, ambitious players may use Latin to indicate it in IC posts)
  • Elemental (the various elemental types speak slightly different dialects, but this will allow communication - the PC should pick which dialect they have greatest familiarity with)
  • The Moon Tongue (The common speech of the lands across the great ocean)
  • Reptilian (Language of the degenerate lizardfolk. They had an advanced and powerful civilization in the mists of history, but the tribes still living can no longer even read the writing on the walls of the great ziggurats their ancestors raised.)
  • Necrosian, being the common language of the dead.

Setting Essays

Here will be posted the occasional essay that I write about the setting. If it seems piecemeal, that's intentional. I don't want to define too much.

I want to read the essays.

Missing, Retired or Dead PCs


  • Played by Dorsai
  • Neutral Human Fighting Woman
  • Str 11 Int 5 Wis 13 Con 8 Dex 14 (+1 Missile Adjustment) Cha 13 (+1 loyalty base)
  • HP 4
  • AC 7

Equipment Large Sack, Water Skin, Normal Rations (7), Rope, Torches (6), Steel Mirror, Leather Armor, Light Crossbow, Quarrels (29), Dagger, Club, 10 GP

Sarlinha, the Silver Owl

  • Played by Andrensath
  • Human Cleric Level 1
  • Deity: She Who Lives In Darkness
  • STR 9, INT 9, WIS 13, CON 12, DEX 12, CHA 12
  • XP: 1,741
  • XP to level up: ?
  • HP: 4
  • AC: 2
  • Equipment: Light horse, Saddle, Saddlebags, Backpack, Flint & tinder, Bedroll, Waterskin, 5 torches, Chain armour, Helmet, Shield, One-handed weapon (mace), Wooden holy symbol, 4 wks trail rations, 50' rope, Plate armour, 2 horse-weeks horse feed
  • Remaining GP: 1,126


  • Torchbearer
    • 2wks iron rations

Caleb Thistledown

  • Played by Craftzero
  • Lawful Human Magic-User
  • STR 12 INT 11 WIS 10 CON 10 DEX 11 CHA 11
  • HP 1
  • AC 9
  • XP 29

Equipment Quarterstaff, Large Sack, 50' Rope, Waterskins 2, Lantern, Flask of Oil 3, Normal Rations 2 weeks, Holy Water 1, GP 89

  • First-Level Spells Known: Hold Portal, Read Magic, Protection from Evil, Light, Charm Person, Magic Missile
  • Memorized: Charm Person

Simon, the Sailor (deceased)

  • Played by Hellzon
  • Neutral Human Fighting Man
  • Str 10 Int 10 Wis 9 Con 11 Dex 10 Cha 8
  • HP 2
  • AC 4
  • XP 19 (random beastmen)


  • Mace, Chain armor, Shield
  • Leather backpack
    • Small sack, 2 Waterskins, 6 Torches, 1 Wk iron rations, 10' Pole, Steel mirror
    • GP: 0