Mari's Mad Craft Skilz

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Simply put, Mari is now a manufacturing powerhouse. Wyld-Shaping Technique permits her to synthesize any raw materials at will and huck massive amounts of successes into her Craft rolls. She also has the following Craft-enhancers:

Craft Interval Reducers

Wonderwork-Weaving Hands - reduces craft times by one step
Wonder-Forging Alacrity + Craftsman Needs No Tools - each hour spent on building things now counts as 25x normal.
Tenfold Master Laborer Technique - a flurry of up to 10 Craft rolls at once
Holistic Miracle Understanding - when duplicating artifacts, triple the effectiveness of any effort invested into it.

Required-Success/Difficulty Reducers

Design Beyond Limit - count required successes as one artifact level lower than the actual level (i.e. an Artifact 3 device only requires 30 successes to create, rather than 60)
Holistic Miracle Understanding - when duplicating artifacts, halve the cumulative successes required and further reduce that amount by 10 successes (to a minimum of 5 successes needed)

Mari's base crafting pool is 10d10 (Intelligence 5 (effective) and Craft (Magitech) 5. She adds 3 autosux from her pet rock. She can add up to 10 dice from her Charms and can add at least 1 stunt die from other things.

At the baseline level, she reduces craft times by 25 times (90 days => 3.6 days) and then cuts that down by one step (3.6 days => 3.6 hours). In a proper Atelier-Manse, she reduces the times by 2 steps, to 3.6 scenes (or about 54 minutes, assuming a scene is 15 minutes). With Wyld-Shaping Technique, she can cut that down to 5.4 minutes, or about 5 long ticks. If she's duplicating something, that's another 3-fold reduction, to 1.8 minutes (108 seconds) With Tenfold Master Laborer Technique, she can flurry 10 of these actions at once, or 1 Craft roll every 11 seconds.

Each of these rolls will benefit from 11d10+3 successes, minimum. If she builds Bracers of Universal Crafting, it goes up to 11d10+8 successes. If she feels like spending Essence, 11d10+13 successes. With proper assistants, that's even more successes (up to about 30 more per interval). She counts the number of cumulative successes needed as one step lower than needed (typically a saving of at least 60%) and can cut even that number in half and reduce it further by 10 successes if she's duplicating something. That is to say, if she were building extra PSVs, she would need (250 => 100/2 - 10) = 40 successes on a crafting interval of roughly 11 seconds. Even by herself, she can do it in about 40 seconds on average. She needs 8 successes to build Artifact 3 stuff; or automatic success, and she can basically crank out as many suits of gunzosha armor and warstriders as she wants, it's not even a big deal for her.

Mari's Job List


A5 Bracers of Universal Crafting (Thousand-Hand Vambrace?) - allows user to spend 2m and count as a work force / mass combat unit of Essence/2, using Essence for each stat in addition to Bracers of Universal Crafting bennies
A5 Awesome Skinsuit - as CBA, but with Godwalker Interface (subtracts armor attune cost from warstrider attune cost, instant attunement to warstriders) and Solar Godbody Mode (+Ess/2 to all physical stats)
A5 Moonsilver/Starmetal PKBs - lower commit cost, not Obvious by default
A5 Glorious Golden Warstrider - Glorious Golden Royal Warstrider
A3 Arcane Sight Goggles - grants All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight when worn

A5 Artificial Avatar - builds and repairs stuff in Mari's place and can channel her Charms.
A5 ARETE Artifical Hero - Ass kicker


Improved Daiklave Moonsilver Warstrider


Improved Daiklave Moonsilver Warstrider


Awesome Scarf