Carrie Sellers
A 23 year old girl from Athens, Georgia.
After the The Survivors fled from Celera, Carrie went home, only to discover that, like some of her fellows, she had superhuman powers. In her case, the ability to assume the appearances of other people. This quickly disturbed her family and friends, prompting some of them, including her brother Cory Sellers, to attempt to lynch her. They burned her severely, which led Mandy Smith to the site. Carrie died and, in a rage, Mandy snapped the neck of one of Carrie's attackers, a 15 year old boy named Jessie Trundel.
Not long after Carrie's death, Arthur Redford used his powers to "rewind time" and make it so that she had never died. The only people who remember the events that occured in the "alternate timeline" where she did and that she was ever dead are Arthur, Jack Bennet, Brian Jaffe and Mandy.
Even though Arthur managed to save Carrie, she had still suffered from horrific burns over much of her body, and Arthur brought her to Dr. Ramon Naranjo who runs a clinic in Washington, DC so that she could receive at least basic care. As her condition worsened he transfered her to John Hopkins Hospital and Jack arranged, by using his powers to fool a computer database, to pay for her care.
Carrie stabilized but was not improving and Arthur asked Mandy to use her powers to try and heal her. This attempt backfired and Carrie died again. Jack was present at the moment of her death, however, and forced the energy coil he saw escaping back into her body. He quickly discovered that this was not her consciousness but the core of her godlike energy and, now in control of Carrie's body and possessed of only animalistic intelligence, it went on a rampage.
Arthur subdued Carrie and she was last seen, under heavy sedation, in a Genzyme facility where she was heavily monitored.