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A character in Morgrave High: Passing Marks

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“Idiot! As if you could defeat me.”

Role: Swordmage

Character Archetype: Tsundere -[1]

Theme Song: "How Soon is Now" by Snake River Conspiracy - [2]

Character Sheet

Str 17, Con 16, Dex 11, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 8.

Arcana +9, Intimidate +7, Insight +6, Athletics +9, Stealth +6

Acrobatics +1, Bluff, Diplomacy, Dungeoneering +1, Endurance +6, Heal +1, History +4, Nature +1, Perception +1, Religion +4, Streetwise, Thievery +1

HP: 43 Surges: 12 Surge value: 11

AC: 20 Fort: 18 Ref: 16 Will: 15

  • Defender: When Quillian hits or misses an enemy, that target is marked until the end of Quillian’s next turn
  • Warforged Resilience: You have a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against ongoing damage. Also, when you make a death saving throw, you can take the better result of your die roll or 10.

Warforged Resolve

Encounter Healing Minor Action Personal

Effect: You gain 4 temporary hit and can make a saving throw against one effect on you that deals ongoing damage. If you are bloodied, you also regain 4 hit points.

Sword Burst

At-Will Arcane, Force, Implement Standard Action Close burst 1

Targets: Each enemy in burst

Attack: +8 vs. Reflex

Hit: 1d6 + 4 force damage.

Greenflame Blade

At-Will Arcane, Fire, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon

Target: One creature

Attack: +11 vs. AC

Hit: 1d6 + 4 modifier fire damage, and you deal 3 fire damage to all enemies adjacent to the target.

Lightning Clash

Encounter Arcane, Lightning, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon

Target: One creature

Attack: +11 vs. AC

Hit: 1d6 + 4 damage. Make a secondary attack.

* Secondary Target: One creature within 5 squares of the primary target.
 Secondary Attack: +11 vs. Reflex
 Hit: 1d6 + 4 lightning damage.

Blades of Fiery Wrath

Encounter Arcane, Fire, Implement Free Action Close burst 1

Trigger: You used a swordmage at-will attack power this turn and did not hit any target with it

Target: Each enemy in burst

Attack: +8 vs. Reflex

Hit: 2d6 + 4 fire damage.

Spatial Trip

Encounter Arcane, Teleportation Move Action Personal

Effect: You teleport a 3 squares.