Hybrids use an Aspect build system; for those who haven't heard the term it's basically a huge list of Merits. There are five "Depths" for Hybrids - no Apotheosis or pure human with the same noticibility as Leviathan Depths. Some Merits, the really obvious ones, may require a certain Depth.
A Hybrid's depth defined by the number of dots in Hybrid Aspects it also defines the maximum Intelligence score.
Depth 1: 1-5 dots, Intelligence 5 Depth 2: 6-10 dots, Intelligence 4 Depth 3: 11-15 dots, Intelligence 3 Depth 4: 16-20 dots, Intelligence 2 Depth 5: 20-25 dots, Intelligence 1
At Depth three a few Hybrids are pretty much animals. They have a maximum Intelligence of 1, plenty have 0 Intelligence. (Player / Storyteller choice) At Depth four most Hybrids are not sapient. At Depth five all Hybrids are non-sapient.
Lemashu are Hybrids that are tied to a certain Strain. They tend to be more stable, treat Depth as one lower for maximum intelligence and the odds of non-sapience.
The first Aspect is fixed for each Lemashu strain, I'm leaning towards a solid four dot aspect to keep the numbers tied to Second Sight Mages. They also must have one dot per depth from Aspects tied to their Strain's primary channel and a second dot per Depth from any of their strains' possible favoured channel. One thing to note about Hybrid aspects: Players do get to choose what aspects to take, but characters have no control at all. Also, intelligence dosn't decrease as a Hybrid goes up in Depth, if you plan to eventually reach Depth 5 start play with Intelligence 1.
Hybrids have a pool of Ichor, max Ichor is Stamina + Depth.
Lemashu strains and free aspect
Bahamut – Gugal: Increased Endurance
Dagon - Abuu
Nu – Heqen
Oceanus – Pelopsids: Siren's Trap
Tanin: - Gibborim:
Isonade – ????: Increased Strength
Nagaraja – ????: Empathetic sense of smell.
This will probably have to be redone. I just started writing Aspects, in retrospect some sort of guidelines should have been written first. - The Kings Raven.
Guide lines:
9again on an Attribute: 4 dots.
9again on a skill: 2 dots. Swimming is an exception.
Access to a Birthright: 1 dot
Access to a Depth one Channel: 3 dots.
Access to a Depth two Channel: 4 dots
Access to a Depth three Channel: 5 dots (Should only be used when Depth 1 - 3 aren’t that different in power)
Costs a point of Ichor: -1 dot.
Deep Eyes (O): The Hybrid suffers no discomfort from keeping their eyes open underwater unless the area they are in is exceptionally polluted.
Echo Location (OO): The Hybrid gains the ability to see with echo location, they can ignore all darkness penalties and can see around corners. The conductive properties of water means that they can triple the range of a regular perception check when submerged. Drawback: The Hybrid has sensitive ears, when exposed to loud sounds roll Stamina with a penalty based on the volume. On a failure you get -2 to all actions and -4 to Perception for as long as the noise persists.
Empathetic sense of smell (OOOO): The Hybrid may make Wits + Empathy rolls to smell emotions. This sent is interpreted by the brain as an Aura. Normally this roll is uncontested but supernatural abilities may provide protection as will entirely airtight clothing.
Angler Lantern (O, Depth 3+): The Hybrid gives of a lantern's worth of light from glowing eyes, bioluminescent skin or some new organ.
Child of the Waves (O or OOO): The Hybrid gets 9again on Athletics rolls to swim, at three dots: 8again.
Smell of Salt (O): The Leviathan can make a Wits + Survival roll to instinctively know the direction of the nearest large body of water. This Aspect will not locate water that is indoors or underground.
Diving into the Tempest (O, OO or OOOO): The Hybrid can willingly enter or exit the Tempest at Gatewater. To do so she must spend a point of Ichor and roll Occult + Survival. At two dots the Hybrid can sense the presence of a Gatewater in Depth*10 miles by spending a point of Ichor and rolling Wits + Survival. At four Dots they may enter and exit anywhere a Leviathan could. Without a Leviathan to carry them Hybrids can never go deeper than the Shallows.
Increased Strength (OOOO): The Hybrid gets 9-again on Strength rolls.
Natural Evasion (OO): The Hybrid has Defence equal to Dexterity even if their Wits are lower.
Natural Weapons (OOO - OOOOO): The Hybrid has natural weapons. At three dots they do +0L damage, each additional dot increases the damage by one.
Predictors Instinct (OO): The Hybrid has Defence equal to Wits even if their Dexterity is lower.
Mind Blast (OOOO): The Hybrid pays one Ichor and rolls Presence + Intelligece – Resolve + Power Stat to inflict bashing damage with the stun property.
Siren’s trap (OOOO): If the Hybrid successfully seduces someone they may roll Presence + Persuasion contested by Resolve + Power Stat. On a success they gain 8-again on social rolls for the rest of the day and their target loses 10-again.
Unearthly Beauty (OO): At one dot a Hybrid gains 9-again on seduction rolls. The pheromones are targeted against compatible species; at depth one or below this includes humans, Hybrids and Leviathans. At Depth three or below remove humans from the list.
Siren's Song (OO): The Siren may spend a point of Ichor and roll Presence + Expression. Wake vulnerable individuals who's Resolve + Power Trait is lower than the Hybrid's Successes spend a turn moving towards the Hybrid unless they spend a point of Willpower. This power is limited to the range the Hybrid's voice will naturally carry.
Increased Endurance (OOOO): The Hybrid gets 9again on Stamina rolls.
Increased Size (OO): The Hybrid gains +1 to size. This stacks with other sources of increased size.
Poisonous (OO): Anyone in contact with the Hybrid suffers a -1 to all actions, after contact is broken this lasts for 5 – Stamina turns.
Superior Lungs (O - OO): The Leviathan adds 2 to their stamina for the purpose of holding their breath At two dots this becomes three and they no longer lose air faster because they are in combat.
Gills (OO): The Hybrid can comfortably breath underwater.
Slimy (O): The Hybrid gets +1 to wriggling through or out of things, including grapples.