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[Picture: Central. A woman is entering a wooden cabin. She is young, around 16 and pretty. She wears a brown waterproof coat over torn jeans with sturdy rubber boots. All her clothes are muddy and show the signs of an outdoor life. She carries two large fish over her shoulder, the fish are dripping water down her back. The woman is blond with roughly cut short hair and has unnaturally large brown eyes that are too far apart. You can see patches of mud coloured skin on her arms, they are irregular and look smooth.]

[The Symbol of Lahamu: Half a Nautilus shell. There have been holes cut out inside the separation between each chamber, and a dark liquid is flowing from one chamber to the next, until it leaks out of the shell in a small pool below.]


The descendants of Lahmu are expected to be subtle and secretive as was their ancestor. Direct action is often thought of as crude or unrefined by the Lahamin, instead the Strain favours networks of Cultists placed within centres of wealth and power and vast hordes of stolen secrets. Rarely seen the eyes and infleunce of the Lahamin can be felt everywhere. This does serve to prejudice the Tribe against them with assumptions that the Lahamin avoid personal involvement or are outright cowards. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Tribes natural weaponry comes easily to the Lahmin, unsuspecting direct confrontation their enemies fall to bristling spines and deadly venoms.


The Lahamin claim ancestry of the Progenitor Lahamu, a being of boundless wisdom and unchallenged sight whose gift of prophecy guided the tribe and their mortal followers from the darkest depths of the primordial ocean.


The descendants of Lahamu are reputed to give birth in numbers. Their numerous healthy offspring stand upon a legacy of stillbirths and early graves. Though the bloodline is nurturing to those it spares, the Lahamin are not. At best they make indifferent and neglectful parents, the others never see their children at all. They walk out on their families or abandon eggs to the mercy of nature. All too often the Lahamu must start their search into their family history by finding their genetic parents.

Their Lemashu claim the Mahhu. Lemashu gifted with prophecy but forever scarred by the touch of Lahmu's blood. Mahhu are often born with damaged bodies or crippled minds.


From the sea floor came the Lahamin and too the sea floor they return. The true form of the the Lahamu bloodline is one of contrasts encompassing soft worms and the exoskeletons of trilobites, snails and shellfish. Alternatively squamous or rigid their forms are camouflaged against the seabed with prominent unblinking eyes or antenna against the murky depths.


The Lahamin tend to have the smallest Cults of the Tribe, each member tends to be carefully chosen for what they can offer with a bias towards formal power and status. A Lahamin's Cult is often not a formal organisation, many exist as an informal web of contacts with the Leviathan invisible but ever watchful at the centre.


Awareness, Fecundity, Predation, Sanctity

Symbols and Associations

The sea of Larwi, the Arabian Sea, the vice of Envy


Shadowy information broker, deep sea treasure hunter, neighbourhood gossip, determined reporter, deep cover agent, internet addict.


"You heard that I pay well for juicy gossip. So you've decided to come here, find out what you can take from me. But as it turns out, there is nothing you know I'm interested in, because I've been watching you, honey, and everything you know, I already know. So the question now becomes, what are you willing to pay to get out of here in one piece?"