WS:Felines Culture

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Feline Culture


Feline religion is a combination of ancestor worship, honour - both of and from the family and the individual and survival of the strongest. The Elven equivalent is Avatar Justice (not a manifestation).

Every child of a noble family is expected to be capable of naming their family back into the distant past, back to the creation of the family and beyond, back to the creation of the race, or the creation of the universe. These recitations can go on for hours, depending upon the glory the family line has accrued over the years. If each ancestor has accrued great honour and glory, and thus has a much longer name, the recitation may take more than a day.


Felines live in a matriarchal and martial society that is very strongly divided along class and race lines.

When first presented to court, whether provincial or Imperial, the individual is expected to recite her entire family line. She is also expected to ignore the signs of boredom from probably everyone in the room, except for the harpies, who will listen closely, hopeful for a mistake. A mistake is hardly fatal, but will mark the individual for some years.

Basic Feline society is like a cross between the Rift War world of Terawan (Kelawan?) and Kzin.

The Supernatural


Any Feline mage will only study magic to do with war.


The closest they have to clerics are teachers of children, and they do not practice magic.


Felines never use magic to heal wounds, though they can use magic to cure disease, as magic leaves no scars. Scars are considered honourable.

Felines Outside Kartar

The Feline individual most likely encountered outside the country, at least on the Western Shores is a Cheetah scout.


Other Races/Classes- Lioness soldier. Lion warrior/bodyguard/consort. Tigress warrior/ruler. Tiger warrior/assassin. Cheetah scout/messenger. Panther scout/assassin.

Oral Tradition

Felines have an oral tradition of recording great heroes.

Written History


A Felines is born with no name, and must earn one. The longer the name, the more honour accrued by this person over his or her lifetime. Any Felines encountered on the Western Shores will most likely have a single word, one syllable name, the person a lesser individual striving to earn a greater name or unable to refuse a request from a superior.

Felines with no name are refered to by their duties.


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