Shattered Lands/Coaxoch And Crowley
General Info
Eyes: Light Blue Hair: Pretty and Pink Height: Freakishly Tall Weight: Less than she should
MAX HP 48 Bloodied 24 Surge Value 12 Surge per Day 6
Initiative 7
Speed 7
Miscellaneous Vision or Senses Low Light Vision
AC 21= 10+3(1/2 LvL)+7(Armor+Ability)+1 (Enhancement)
Fort 18= 13+3(Ability)+1(Class)+1(Enhancement)
Ref 19= 13+4(Ability)+1(Class)+1(Enhancement)
Will 17= 13+3(Ability)+1(Enhancement)
Ability Scores
Ability Bonus(B) [B+1/2 LvL]
STR 17 (+3) [+6] INT 10 (+0) [+3]
CON 11(+0) [+3] WIS 16 (+3) [+6]
DEX 18(+4) [+7] CHA 8 (-1) [+2]
Acrobatics(DEX) +11
Athletics (STR) +11
Nature (WIS) +15
Perception (WIS) +13
Stealth (DEX) +12
Insight(Wis) 16
Perception (Wis) 23