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"When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be." — Lao Tzu

FULL NAME: Athmyr Rehtaef

QUOTE: "I was not meant for this. I was meant to be home cooking and cleaning like good males should."

RACE: Biata

BORN: 500

HOMETOWN: Wastes of Amiron


RELATIVES/CONNECTIONS: Harem Mistress Tiknay Rehtaef

CITIZENSHIP STATUS: Stonegate citizen



Origin (Character History up to First Event)

Six is subdued and rescued by Lightning Bug.

The Wastes of Amiron in Dyllaria are known as harsh and barren land. Athmyr was introduced to that land at a very young age, and to the Biata tribes there that are every bit as harsh. Captured in a Barbarian raid at the young age of 23, Athmyr was sold to one of the matriarchal Biata tribes in the wastes. All things considered his fate was far better than it could have been. He was not a slave; he was merely a male.

Athmyr was wearing a necklace with a large tooth when he was purchased by the Biata tribe. This necklace was taken by his adoptive household and kept by its matriarch.

Athmyr spent the rest of his childhood as a servant of one of the tribal households, working as a farmer and general laborer. The Great Celestial Change which triggered the gryphonlike characteristics in the Biata had a destabilizing effect on the tribe. Multiple matriarchs began to compete for power, a struggle that was ultimately won by a young Biata named Tiknay Rehtaef. Tiknay, however - being an extremely liberal Biata - refused to kill her defeated predecessor, and instead chose to leave to begin her own tribe. She was given two males from her household, Athmyr and another named Liato, as the first members of her harem.

Athmyr greatly resented this reassignment. He was a quiet and introverted male who preferred solitude and security and enjoyed his domestic role. He did not feel males should be assuming female roles of hunting and fighting and had no interest in living as an adventurer. This resentment was greatly enhanced when Liato, his fellow mate and lifelong friend, was killed in a battle in the woods. Tiknay attempted to soften this blow by returning to Athmyr the necklace that he wore when he was bought as a child. He has worn it ever since, and it has occasionally displayed various different magical powers.

Athmyr the Adventurer

The young Hun warrior Khatum

Despite the fact that he had no interest in hunting, scouting, and alchemy, he took to it remarkably fast.

Secret Origin

The symbol of Khatum's clan, representing eternity

Basic Personality Profile