Madame Wu
Madam Wu
Good morning foreign visitor. I am Madam Wu, of Wu Antiques, our family shop in old Shanghai. If I can be of any assist to you please ask. I have antique of all periods. Especially T'ang time, actually our speciality.
Madam Wu is a 50 year-old antiquarian and antiques dealer. Although her education and academic ability are unexceptional, her knowledge of Chinese history is legendary. This is partly owing to the fact that, as a child, she was forced to learn the whole of Monkey Goes West by an eccentric buddhist tutor (who hoped to inspire her to undertake the same journey in later life).
Madam Wu runs her family's prosperous old antique shop , and funds expeditions in which her somewhat shady agents prospect for antiques in the provinces. She occasionally backs tomb plundering expeditions which can include gwei-lo adventurers. There is a good market for the antiques of the disappearing Old China, and Madam Wu is cashing in.
She seems a heartless old bag to her rivals and enemies, who call her 'The Relic'. She is a mercilessly hard bargainer and is known to wield a poker skilfully against shoplifters and unwanted visitors. But she has a more vulnerable side; she never presses creditors to the point of ruin, and cannot bear to cause financial harm to families with children. Madame Wu dare not make these weaknesses public though-the world of money is full of hidden dragons (cheese).
She owns dozens of copies of Monkey Goes West, and collects writing from early Chinese Buddhists influenced by Sanscrit texts. Madam Wu knows several sutras that-she believes-are powerful in bringing wealth and protecting expeditions.
Madam Wu in her younger days. (She still uses the picture..)[1]
Investigator Name: Madame Wu Occupation: Antiquarian Colleges, Degrees: Birthplace: Shanghai Mental Disorders: Sex: F Age: 50 STR: 10 DEX: 10 INT: 11 Idea: 55 CON: 9 APP: 12 POW: 12 Luck: 60 SIZ: 9 SAN: 60 EDU: 21 Know: 105 99-Cthulhu Mythos: 99 Damage Bonus: none Accounting 10% Anthropology 1% Archaeology 1% Art: Calligraphy 50% Art: Engraving 50% Astronomy 1% Bargain 100% Biology 1% Chemistry 1% Climb 40% Conceal 15% Credit Rating 60% Cthulhu Mythos 0% Dodge 14% Drive Auto 20% Electrical Repair 10% Fast Talk 5% First Aid 30% Geology 1% Handgun 20% Hide 10% History 80% Jump 25% Law 30% Library Use 60% Listen 25% Locksmith 1% Machine Gun 15% Martial Arts 1% Mechanical Repair 20% Medicine 5% Natural History 10% Navigate 10% Occult 60% Operate Hvy. Machine 1% Other Language: English 41% Other Language: French 31% Other Language: Sanskrit 21% Persuade 25% Pharmacy 1% Photography 10% Physics 1% Psychoanalysis 1% Psychology 5% Ride 5% Rifle 25% Shotgun 30% Sneak 10% Spot Hidden 25% Submachine Gun 15% Swim 25% Throw 25% Track 10% Fist/Punch 50% Head Butt 10% Kick 25% Grapple 25% Poker 50%