The Moon's Reflection Character Interview
Below are character interview questions for The Moon's Reflection, an AD&D 2nd Edition/Skills & Powers Play-By-Post game set in the World of Greyhawk.
The goal of the interview is to get a very basic sense of who this character is -- why he's unique and interesting, what will make him fun to play, how he'll fit with the rest of the group. I don't want to put prospective players to a lot of trouble on these character proposals, so that's why the interview is fairly brief and I'm asking for short answers -- 1 to 2 sentences, max. If the character proposal is selected for the first round of the game, the player is definitely encouraged to write longer background material, short stories, or whatever makes the character more fun to play, but none of this is required.
So submit a proposal, copy and paste the template below into a reply to the recruitment thread or in a PM to Celeste, the DM. Then just replace the explanatory text with your answers. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the thread or PM. I'm trying to keep this as pain-free as possible. :-)
Please check out the sample interviews if you need guidelines on level of detail.
Interview Template
- Character's Name: Can change this before the game starts, if you need to.
- Class/Kit: Bard, Cleric (some specialties allowed), Druid, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Thief, Wizard (some specialties allowed). No psionics. If there's a kit you want to use from Skills & Powers or one of the "Complete" books, list it here, and I'll get back to you. Most kits will be allowed.
- Race/Subrace: Human, Elf, Half-Elf, Dwarf, Half-Orc. Human subraces (mixed okay): Suel, Flan, Oeridian, or Baklunish. Elven subraces: High Elf, Gray Elf, Sylvan Elf.
- Age/Birthdate: The campaign begins on 1st Richfest 573 CY. When was your character born, and how old is he/she as of this date?
- Social Class: Peasant, merchant, noble, etc. Please include 1-2 sentences of background.
- Birthplace: Anywhere in Greyhawk. Please include 1-2 sentences of background.
- Why is your character in Chendl? 1-2 sentences. Was born here, has business in the area, visiting, etc.
- What is your character's strongest attribute? One of the six AD&D stats, plus 1-2 sentences of background.
- What is your character's weakest attribute? One of the six AD&D stats, plus 1-2 sentences of background.
- Who is your character's closest ally? 1-2 sentences.
- Who is your character's worst enemy? 1-2 sentences.