Planet Athens

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Athens was one of the centers of Independence before and during the war. It was well defended, and when the Alliance Fleet came to attack it early in the Unification War,the Independence forces had one of their biggest victories. Operation Thermopylae was an effort to draw the largest Alliance force possible into a bottleneck by fighting on one of the many narrow archipelagos on the planet. The Independence Forces positioned the 300 Division at the site of what appeared to be a vast fleet. They leaked intel that the landing site was a staging ground for a massive fleet launch. From orbit the the intel appeared correct, the Alliance positioned their fleet to cut off any escape and began a massive landing. A single division of Independence soldiers guarded the vast fleet. The fleet was in fact, a diversion, a collection of junk, fake ships, and other decoys. As soon as the first landing forces appeared the valiant 300 did their best to look like a bigger force. Tactically it was hopeless they were spread out over a large area and the Alliance Landing forces met with little resistance. It was then that the bulk of the Independence Fleet attacked as well as a massive launch of anti-ship missiles from other sites. The Alliance Fleet was devastated, and much of it fled leaving the troops without support on the island. The Independents captured several thousand seasoned Alliances Marines. Those forces were held until the end of the war, and this battle was a rallying cry for Independents across the 'Verse. Athens was spared much fighting later in the war, the Alliance subjected it to orbital bombing but that was it.
As a result, Athens is a still a large planet with considerable commerce, mature industries and agriculture. The capital of Athens, Acropolis was modeled on the ancient city of Athens on Earth that Was, and possesses a thriving Agora or pen air market.
