Vincentius, formerly of the Penal Legion
A character in Carceres_et_Dracones
Biographical Info
- Vincentius
- Male
- Age 24
- 5'11"
- 180 lbs.
- Black hair
- Brown eyes
- Olive skin
- Vincentius spent ten years in the Penal Legions, before an ostensibly honorable discharge. He then realized he had no skills or inclinations whatsoever that would allow him to succeed as a civilian. Recoiling from poverty, he seeks to trade blood for gold. Someone else's, on both counts.
- He has a few notable scars, but is in general nondescript. Vincentius disdains an ostentatious appearance, as he is often engaged in some pursuit mandating discretion. He bears the brand of the Penal Legion on his right bicep.
- Human Fighter
- Chaotic
- Level 1
- XP 0
- Needs 2000
- Str: 13 +1
- Int: 7 -1
- Wis: 10
- Dex: 12
- Con: 13 +1
- Chr: 14 +1
Combat Stats
- AC: -1
- HP: 9
- Move: 30
- Saving Throws:
- Death Ray or Poison 12
- Magic Wands 13
- Paralysis or Turn to Stone 14
- Dragon Breath 15
- Rod, Staff, or Spell 16
Race and Class Abilities
Gear and Treasure
- Encumbrance
- Armor: Superb Quality Cataphract Chain, won from a dead cavalryman in a game of knucklebones. AC 3, Enc 600
- Weapon: Spatha, named Terminus. 1d8 damage, Enc 60
- Weapon: Dagger. 1d4 damage, Enc 10
- Shield: Clipeus. -4 AC, Enc 250
- Backpack, Enc 80
- Rations, standard, 1 wk
- Waterskin
- 6 torches
- Flint & Steel
- clay Tablet, see plot hooks
- 16 GP
Total Encumbrance: 1016
Plot Hooks
1. See clay tablet in Gear: If ever you are in Fer Aquila, go to the Street of the Lampmakers and find Clodio's Tavern; you will know it by its crimson leather door. Take this tablet to a one-eared man by the name of L. Septimius Amabilis and tell him that two from the Falernian Grotto sent you. If he has need of you, he can pay you well in gold or whatever else you desire.