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Revision as of 09:54, 9 January 2006 by Verdantgreen (talk | contribs)
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I am a servant of the Dark Lady, Sylvanas Windrunner. All else is secondary. I fell into sleep, but it was not simply sleep from which I awoke. My awakening revealed a new world. The gift of the Dark Lady illuminated the true workings of all things. Through my eyes the world is as an ice sculpture, delicate and intricate. I do not miss the senses now lost, for they only helped substantiate the lies my eyes once told. I no longer have need for lies.

By the grace of the Banshee Queen my chains are broken and I live free.


Ainu is a solemn woman. She was once one an assistant to the royal librarian of Lordaeron and was always known for her quiet demeanor. After the Plague and her “awakening” she has lost much of her original disposition.

She was once highly sophisticated and prided herself on her excellent education. Now, she clings to what small amounts of refinement remain and is sensitive to her current condition. She tries not to look in the mirror at her sagging skin and visible injuries. Her awakening heightened the acuity of many of her senses but it also damaged her ability to detect anything but extremes from the senses of taste and smell.

Also, the change awakened within her a predator’s instinct that sometimes causes her to act in a fashion that destroys the façade of sophistication she values so greatly. When she is alone she does not try to stop the compulsion to feed on living flesh or stalk through the night like a beast. However, in polite company these traits are an embarrassment that she reacts to by flaunting her knowledge and using the most erudite speech she can muster.

World View

While the battle between her two natures is a source of unending complication for Ainu, she truly believes her rebirth to be a great awakening. She was once concerned with the temporal matters of the living, such as love, anger, and the acquisition of money. Now, she feels she is free of these meaningless trifles. The Gift has left her with a new paradigm.

Ainu shows an almost religious reverence for Sylvanas Windrunner. While she may openly scoff at fanatics and zealots such as the hated Scarlet Crusade, Ainu lives for the glory of the Forsaken and their dreadful Queen. To her, the Dark Lady gave her life and showed her the meaning behind all things. This passion eclipses any devotion she might have had in life to her kingdom or her long-forgotten husband.

Deep down, Ainu has a hatred of all things living. To her, they have yet to receive the Gift, the miracle that would open their eyes to the truth. At the command of her Queen, she supports the Horde in its struggle against the Alliance. Truthfully however, she feels a great sorrow for her allies that have yet to experience the gift of death.

None of this clouds her ability to operate with the living, but she sees her allies as a new convert sees old friends. She has looked into the void and returned changed.


Ainu, once Sarah Danforth of Lordaeron is a member of the Blacksky Company and a fierce supporter of Sylvanas Windrunner and the Forsaken.

Ainu, Undead female Warlock (level 10)


  • First Aid 1 / 75
  • Tailoring 25 / 75


  • Primarily Affliction.

Equipment Focus: I would like to go out on a limb here and try a Spirit heavy stat allocation. We’ll see how that works.

Strategy: The idea is for a sort of "low-mana offense." Based on my experiences with a Demonology Warlock, I believe I will be able to maintain three damage-over-time effects on an opponent and fight with a wand or melee weapon until they need to be restored. This tactic would reduce the need for a large mana pool while a high Spirit stat would allow the pool to regenerate quicker.

Server: Kirin-Tor (Roleplaying) Created: January 6, 2006