316 ASIB M2
Mission Two: To the rescue!
- Mission kill tally
Health/armour status
- Horse
- Jackrabbit
- Graveyard
- Screwtop
- Daisy
- Thorn
Encounter 1
- Starting tokens: 8
- AA: 6
Round 1
- Opposition
- Tokens: 8
- AA: 6
- Range bands
- Lt. Mouser, Screwtop, Daisy, Jackrabbit, Thorn, Horse
(M)=a mess, (C)=crippled, (A)=used armour
- Success
- Thorn: use FA to attack, rolled 7 -> success!, -1 TOKEN, 4 KILLS
- Enemy: use AA to attack, rolled 5 -> success!
- Daisy: use FA to attack, rolled 4 -> success!, -1 TOKEN, 5 KILLS
- Jackrabbit: use FA to attack, rolled 2 -> success!, -1 TOKEN, 6 KILLS
- Horse: use FA to attack, rolled 1 -> success!, -1 TOKEN, 10 KILLS
- Failure
- Screwtop, use FA to attack, rolled 7 -> failure!
- Lt. Mouser, use FA to attack, rolled 6 -> failure!
- Enemy: 5 -> success!
- Daisy: 4 -> success!
- Screwtop: 2 -> success!
- Lt.Mouser: 2 -> success!
- Jackrabbit: 9 -> failure!
- Horse: 5 -> failure!
- Thorn: 5 -> failure!