VGO Starcraft 2 Tournament 3

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Revision as of 17:14, 8 January 2011 by (talk) (Standings)
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Rank Forum Name Character Name.ID Points Rounds
1 Trag-Oul Astarwulf.300 5 5
2 Victim Warmagon.731 4 5
2 AeonWalker Magus.551 4 5
3 Vnakkar FrogDog.404 3 5
5 gurtstick gurtstick.964 2 4
5 IceShadow IceShadow.966 2 4
3 Kingmaker Kingmaker.289 3 5
4 Davidsonshdw BanCheese.265 2 5
4 jadarx Tycho.552 2 5
4 Turtles Taste Yummie Killer. 2 5
4 Pillsy Snark.941 2 5
5 ReallyBored ReallyBored.735 1 5
5 Mr_Pleasington EyeTyrant.669 1 5
DNF flashedarling MoonsShadow.781 0 2
DNF Save-vs-DM Ruben.352 1 4

Current Round Schedule (Phase 1, Round 5)

Players (Rank) Winner Score Replays YouTube Cast
Trag-Oul (1) vs Davidsonshdw (5) Trag-Oul 2-1
Victim (2) vs Vnakkar (2) Victim 2-0
AeonWalker (2) vs Pillsy (5) AeonWalker 2-0
gurtstick (5) vs IceShadow (5)
jadarx (5) vs Kingmaker (5) Kingmaker 2-0
Save-vs-DM (11) vs Turtles Taste Yummie (11) Turtles Taste Yummie 2-0 SvD DNF
ReallyBored (11) vs Mr_Pleasington (14) Mr_Pleasington 2-0



The tournament will be in two phases: a Swiss-Style Tournament, and then two Double-Elimination Tournaments seeded from the Swiss-Style Tournament.

Phase One: Swiss-Style Tournament

There will be a number of rounds even to the binary logarithm of the number of players rounded up to the nearest odd number; so if we have 5-8 players, we'll have 3 rounds, 9-32 players, we'll have 5 rounds, etc.

Everyone starts with 0 points. If you win your match in the round, you will get a point. Once everyone has completed a round, we will seed the next round, putting players as close as possible to other players with the same number of points. If several players are tied in points (or evenly away from other players in points) we will randomly seed the round, including at the beginning of the tournament. Players will also not play the same opponent twice in the same tournament, and every effort will be made to not have someone play another player higher than them in points (or lower than them in points) more than once.

In this way, people who win the first round will play each other, and those who lose the first round will play each other. As the tournament progresses, we should have people more and more evenly matched as the points even out.

If there are an odd number of players in the tournament, one player chosen completely at random will have a bye each round. (The same player will not be chosen twice.) That player will get one point for the bye.

If anyone states they will be unable to play any games for the week ahead of time, every attempt will be made to give them a bye or match them against another player who is unable to play that week. If this matchup is not possible, then they will be matched against a player who could play. Anyone who chooses not to participate in a round will get 0 points, and if they are matched against a player who could play, the player who could play will get 1 point, as if they had won the match.

Each round will last until all matches have been played or one week has gone by. Players should make every attempt to play their match within the week given. If a match cannot be played within the week, the tournament organizers will determine the outcome of the match, with a default of both players receiving half a point.

Phase Two: Double-Elimination Tournaments

The tournament will then move into two double-elimination tournaments. Two losses eliminate you from the tournament, and so there will be a "winner's" or "upper" bracket for people who have not yet lost a game, and a "loser's" or "lower" bracket for those who have.

Seeding will be based on the Swiss-Style tournament. Players with the bottom half of points possible will be put into the "Lower" tournament, and players with the top half of points possible will be put into the "Upper" tournament. Seeding within each tournament will be done based on the points from the Swiss-Style tournament, randomly seeding tied players.

Each round will last until all matches have been played or one week has gone by. Players should make every attempt to play their match within the week given. If a match cannot be played within the week, the tournament organizers will determine the outcome of the match; it is very possible that both players could be eliminated, and the winner replaced with a bye if both players were not communicative following the week.


The winner will be the last player who has not lost two matches.


Matches will be Best of Three; players will play each other until one player or the other has won two games.

The player whose forum handle comes first alphabetically will pick the first map for each match, and the other player will pick the second map. The third map (if needed) will be selected randomly for each "round" of play.

The 1v1 maps to pick from are:

  • Blistering Sands
  • Delta Quadrant
  • Jungle Basin
  • Lost Temple
  • Metalopolis
  • Scrap Station
  • Shakuras Plateau
  • Steppes of War
  • Xel'Naga Caverns

If one player has to leave before the three games are played, players should make every effort to complete their games later during that round's week. If this is not possible, the tournament organizers will decide the outcome of that round based on the games played, the player who had to leave, etc.

Spectators are allowed, but only if both players agree. Spectators should not contact the players of the game through any means during play.


Following completion of games, players should do two things: Report the results to the matchup/results thread for the tournament, and e-mail replays of the games to the tournament organizer. Games will be hosted and available for anyone to download. Please determine who will e-mail the replays of the match prior to beginning to play.

Match History

Phase 1, Round 1

Players (Rank) Winner Score Replays YouTube Cast
AeonWalker (1) vs jadarx (1) AeonWalker 2-1 G1 / G2 / G3 HonorforONEFilms - G1 / G2 / G3
Davidsonshdw (1) vs gurtstick (1) gurtstick 2-0 G1 / G2 HonorforONEFilms - G1 / G2
flashedarling (1) vs Kingmaker (1) Kingmaker 2-0 G1 / G2 HonorforONEFilms - G2
IceShadow (1) vs Save-vs-DM (1) IceShadow 2-1 G1 / G2 / G3 IceShadow Livestream
Mr_Pleasington (1) vs Victim (1) Victim 2-0 G1 / G2 IceShadow Livestream G2
Pillsy (1) vs ReallyBored (1) Pillsy 2-1 G1 / G2 / G2 HonorforONEFilms - G1 / G2 / G3
Trag-Oul (1) vs Vnakkar (1) Trag-Oul 2-0 G1 / G2

Phase 1, Round 2

Players (Rank) Winner Score Replays YouTube Cast
AeonWalker (1) vs gurtstick (1) AeonWalker 2-0 G1 / G2
IceShadow (1) vs Pillsy (1) IceShadow 2-0 G1 / G2 IceShadow Livestream G1 / G2
Kingmaker (1) vs Victim (1) Victim 2-0 G1 / G2
Trag-Oul (1) vs jadarx (8) Trag-Oul 2-0 G1 / G2
Davidsonshdw (8) vs flashedarling (8) Davidsonshdw 2-0 G1 / G2
Mr_Pleasington (8) vs Vnakkar (8) Vnakkar 2-0 G1 / G2
ReallyBored (8) vs Save-vs-DM (8) ReallyBored 2-1 G1 / G2 / G3 IceShadow Livestream

Phase 1, Round 3

Players (Rank) Winner Score Replays YouTube Cast
AeonWalker (1) vs Trag-Oul (1) Trag-Oul 2-0 G1 / G2
IceShadow (1) vs Victim (1) Victim 2-0 G1 / G2
Davidsonshdw (5) vs Kingmaker (5) Davidsonshdw 2-0
gurtstick (5) vs ReallyBored (5) gurtstick 2-1 G1 / G2 / G3
Pillsy (5) vs Vnakkar (5) Vnakkar 2-1 G1 / G2 / G3
flashedarling (11) vs Save-vs-DM (11) Save-vs-DM Unplayed N/A N/A
jadarx (11) vs Mr_Pleasington (11) jadarx 2-1 G1 / G2 / G3

Phase 1, Round 4

Players (Rank) Winner Score Replays YouTube Cast
Trag-Oul (1) vs Victim (1) Trag-Oul 2-1
AeonWalker (3) vs Davidsonshdw (3) AeonWalker 2-0
gurtstick (3) vs Vnakkar (3) Vnakkar 2-1
IceShadow (3) vs Kingmaker (8) Kingmaker Unplayed
jadarx (8) vs ReallyBored (8) jadarx 2-1
Pillsy (8) vs Save-vs-DM (8) Pillsy 2-0
Mr_Pleasington (13) vs Turtles Taste Yummie (13) Turtles Taste Yummie 2-0