Verse Technology
Cortex V.1
Old System (for reference)
Modern Verse communication can travel at a base speed of 1AU/2Min (roughly 4xSpeed of Light). This time may vary depending on proximity to communications stations around the Verse.
I like the idea of transmission stations around the verse, gives the opportunity for backwater out-of-the-way planets or zones where communication is less reliable. So my arm-chair speculative physics.
Special sub-atomic particles are collided in newtech containment fields. Matched pairs of particles and anti-particles are kept separate in a special stasis fields, but due to occult laws of physics remain in a wave-like state. Destruction or modification of one particle affects its matching anti-particle. These are then separated and placed on adjoining space stations (or planetary communications sites.. a.k.a. Cortex Nodes). Each station has hundreds of these ends in special containment fields, making them nodes of a tremendous web. Communication between the sites is accomplished by "plucking" on the lines between particle and anti-particle, and is effectively instantaneous to transmit data. This information is translated by computers and rebroadcast in normal EM frequencies from the stations. The time delay is greater further from the communication stations, and much lower at an actual station (although still there due to limitations on the speed of 'plucking' the strings.) The expression "sending a wave" comes from the use of these specialized wave forms for communication.
Cortex V.2
Created by a consortium of communications giants, but primarily Baidu Corporation The new Cortex is a more limited, and controlled version of the old Cortex.