WS:Character death

Character Death
Starting levels for characters
A standard starting character for Fantasy Hero is 150 points (75 base + 75 from disads). If for some reason you lose your current character, a new character will be starting at this level.
Your current characters were based on mid-level D&D (around 8th level) and came to about 250 points. So try not to lose your character :)
There is no resurrection. If you are brought back to life through some magical means - what will be animating the ex-corpse may appear to be close to your character, or may not. Really good necromancers can create the personalities they want to run the biological automatons. Souls/Minds disperse almost immediately into the ley lines when a body dies - ain't no coming back.
I should clarify there is one exception - Gods can resurrect themselves, but only because they are pure magic.
Spending XP on the Afterlife
Whether your successor character is a descendant, a revenging relative, or a completely different character who hangs around with the party because you misplaced all copies of your character sheet (shame on you) - or you died (one death is a mischance, more than one death - looks like carelessness ;-p) - you can spend XP on them (rather than your current character)
Also, any sudden instant horrible gory death of character - unspent XP transfers over to the new character.