Nobilis Hydrarch:Session 5

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[Sunday 16 January 2011] [09:24:11] Join You have joined the channel #Nobilis ( [Sunday 16 January 2011] [09:24:17] Mode Channel modes: [Sunday 16 January 2011] [09:24:17] Created This channel was created on 2011-01-16 09:24. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [10:46:33] Join Butler has joined this channel ( [Sunday 16 January 2011] [10:46:41] <Butler> Hooray! [Sunday 16 January 2011] [10:56:39] Join KreenWarrior has joined this channel ( [Sunday 16 January 2011] [10:57:05] <KreenWarrior> hey [Sunday 16 January 2011] [10:57:37] <HG> Hi, getting food! [Sunday 16 January 2011] [10:57:59] <HG> Will be here for reals in ~2 min. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:06:03] <Butler> Kreen, do you have a link to the wiki kicking about? [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:07:04] <KreenWarrior> afraid not [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:07:48] <KreenWarrior> here we go: [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:07:53] <KreenWarrior> googled for "Nobilis Hydrarch" [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:07:58] <Butler> Hah, beat me to it. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:08:13] <Butler> I had the link copied and everything. :( [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:08:19] <KreenWarrior> heh [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:08:58] <HG> Weird it wasn't letting me type. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:09:07] <HG> Hi all! [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:09:11] <Butler> Hallo! [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:09:16] <KreenWarrior> 'ello! [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:09:29] <HG> Looks like it will just be you two today. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:09:39] <Butler> Ok. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:09:47] <KreenWarrior> ah well [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:10:18] <HG> Never got anything from the other guy. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:10:40] <HG> Oh well thats online gatherings for you. :( [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:10:57] <Butler> Like trying to herd cats. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:11:16] <HG> So where were we? [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:11:28] <HG> ^^^ yes it is. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:11:46] <KreenWarrior> meaning online Nobilis is like trying to herd cats squared [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:11:55] <KreenWarrior> Though square cats should be easier to herd I'd think [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:12:28] <HG> You would think, but man they corner on a dime! [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:12:35] <Butler> As I recall (vaguely) we had just accepted the invitation of a noble who was being accused of some crime, via her strange messenger boy. Not sure where we were going to meet, but it might have been Lord Entropy's house. (or whatever). [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:13:12] <HG> Yeah my last log is while ago, but that matches up with my memories. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:13:15] <Butler> We'd also laid the righteous smackdown on an Excrucian who'd been meddling with the french transit system (?) and nettled him good. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:13:34] <KreenWarrior> Yeah, sounds right [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:13:41] Nick KreenWarrior is now known as Mirrinae. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:14:02] <HG> Oh yeah. So whats the higher of you two's spirit? [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:14:30] <Butler> Identical at 1, I think. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:14:31] <Mirrinae> Both equal, looks like [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:14:38] <Mirrinae> bah, you beat me this time [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:14:42] <Butler> But if it's a matter of precedence, Butler always defers. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:16:05] <HG> Okay so you guys have 4 xp (each) and a dynasty point saved up, just for the record. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:16:26] <Mirrinae> 4 character points? [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:16:46] <HG> Yeah. (I think) [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:17:10] <HG> Not sure if its 4 or 5 honestly. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:17:20] <Mirrinae> Awesome. I think I'll buy a point of Realm [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:18:11] <Butler> Give me a second, still flipping through the rules. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:18:27] <HG> Cool. You get to change the chancell properties a little too if you want. (house rule.) [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:18:43] <Mirrinae> Umm, lemme think on it [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:18:50] <HG> Fair enough. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:20:47] <Butler> Can I upgrade Domain from 2 to 3 for (9-6) 3 Cp? [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:21:03] <HG> So where do you want to pick up? I don't think the world is going to bother you guys much for now. Do your chars [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:21:08] <HG> Yes. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:22:26] <HG> Are you chars going to do anything we should roleplay in the next 2 weeks? Or should we play out Emrald (Spring)'s Party? [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:22:51] <HG> Sorry that ended up kind of grabled. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:23:03] <HG> Buttle: yes you can. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:23:03] <Butler> I suspect we could skip directly to the party. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:23:17] <Butler> And excellent: already done. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:24:31] <Mirrinae> Just skip to the party, I think [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:24:59] <Butler> Butler will wear his finest suit... which is any of them, really. He doesn't "do" casual. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:25:39] <Mirrinae> Mirrinae will wear a formal dress of some sort [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:25:39] <HG> Just before the Party both of you hear the cracking wave like voice of your Imperator. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:26:53] <HG> "Remember, I don't trust the graveling worm. Theres something wrong about her story of being poisened, find it." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:27:41] <Butler> "Of course, sir." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:27:48] <Mirrinae> "Interesting. Is there anything that makes you suspicious in particular, Imperator?" [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:28:06] <HG> The quiet anger of the voice rings, and throbs. You can feel that it isnt at you but still. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:29:56] <HG> "I have seen poisned Serpents. She is too quiet." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:30:22] <Mirrinae> "Understood." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:30:50] <HG> "Good. Buttler, I have high hopes of you." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:31:56] <Butler> Butler turns to Mirrinae. "What would you have me do, your Grace? Should I accompany you openly at the party, or make my way amongst the servants of Emerald?" [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:32:55] <Mirrinae> "As a Noble, I think you should accompany me. Your absence would be noted, otherwise." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:33:21] <Mirrinae> "Which would be suspicious even if you are not detected." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:33:32] <Butler> "Indeed, miss. Very well." Butler disliked parties he wasn't running. He always had the urge to serve drinks. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:39:27] <HG> The Graveling Worm's Chancell was deep with in the earth. Existing at the edge of the mantle and core, it was a maze of caverns growing with green newly budding trees, and spring flowers. Yet the rivers and streams were not of water but of flowing stone, that was though only warm to the touch. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:40:24] <Mirrinae> "Very impressive." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:40:57] <HG> A being looking like a child of say 8 or 10 years, though slightly small for there age comes up to the path through which you were directed. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:41:41] <Butler> Butler waits for the Duchess to speak, while standing quietly at her right shoulder. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:42:29] <HG> "Emerald Daiyousai is right this way. You are Mirriam, Lady of Higherachy and Buttler, power of Buttlers, correct?" [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:43:21] <Butler> Butler nods politely. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:43:29] <Mirrinae> "That is correct." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:44:34] <HG> The child lifts gossermer wings and leads off, soon reaching her misstress. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:44:50] Nick You are now known as Emerald. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:45:29] <Emerald> "Hello, I am most joyus that you could make it." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:46:31] <Emerald> She is much as you saw her before, ecept that two or three of what you can only call fairies are trailing around her at all times. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:47:54] <Mirrinae> "Hello. It is good to see you are looking well." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:47:58] <Emerald> (That is a woman with great big butterfly wings in irridecent whites and green that bleend into her victorian dress.) [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:48:55] <Butler> Butler, again, nods politely. A very careful observer would have noticed a slight eyebrow-raising at the "fairies". [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:49:14] <Emerald> "I hope your first few weeks has gone well, Oh but I should introduce you:" [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:51:10] <Emerald> "Shade, power of Smoke, and Strossman, power of Cement." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:51:59] <Mirrinae> *offers a polite bow to each* [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:52:11] <Mirrinae> "Pleasure to meet you." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:52:50] <Emerald> She says pointing with her wineglass holding hand, at a man in greys and blues, tall and lanky, and then at a stocky man dressed as 19th centure business man. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:53:17] <Emerald> Shade bows and whispers something. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:53:46] <Butler> Bulter, again, bows. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:53:48] <Emerald> Strossman almost yells thrusting out his hand "Good to metchya." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:53:51] <Mirrinae> (aspect to overhear?) [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:54:14] <Emerald> (3) [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:54:34] <Emerald> (which you have right?) [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:54:54] <Mirrinae> (eh, I'll save the mps) [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:54:56] <Mirrinae> (only Aspect 1 [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:55:53] <Butler> Bulter shakes Strossman's hand with a very subtle raise of an eyebrow. "A pleasure, sir." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:56:49] <Emerald> "Dont mind Shade, he's a tad shy. Especialy around elegant young women such as your self." Emerald says with a teasing twinkel in her eye. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:57:46] <Mirrinae> *smiles neutrally* "Of course." Unsure of protocol, she gropes for a conversation topic. "And, ah, how are Smoke and Cement doing?" [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:58:18] Nick You are now known as Cement. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:59:17] <Cement> "Not so well, a lot of buildings are going unfinished these days. But in the scheme of things its not a big deal." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [11:59:34] Nick You are now known as Smoke. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:00:16] <Smoke> "There was a beautyful bush fire this summer." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:00:39] Nick You are now known as Emerald. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:01:11] <Butler> Butler turns to Mirrinae and whispers, "The Australian fires, your Grace. Several dozen dead." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:01:41] <Emerald> "You two should try the mead. Its a new recipie!" [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:01:58] <Mirrinae> "Ah, well I am glad your Estates are doing well. Organization is always threatened, of course." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:02:59] <Emerald> "It is a very prominant estate. Few are so powerful with out nobles promoting them." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:03:43] <Emerald> 'Well until recently, I mean." She adds blushing. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:03:52] <Butler> "I must admit, however, that servants are at an all-time high. The rise of what you might call "consumer culture" is certainly helpful. On the other hand, competent servants are in decline." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:04:53] <Mirrinae> "Well, it seems I have my work cut out for me. Do you have any advice in monitoring and promoting one's Estate?" [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:05:10] <Emerald> "Really? I would have thought the decline of nobility would have greatly weekened them." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:06:12] <Butler> "However gauche it may seem, corporations are becoming the new temporal nobility, and they have many more servants than even the greatest house of antiquity." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:06:49] <Emerald> "In some ways it is any easy thing. Much of it comes from simply listening. The hard part is when to know to be agressive. I tried to push on Summer a while back, and we both ended up lossing ground to Winter." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:07:22] <Mirrinae> "how did that play out, if I may ask?" [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:08:21] <Emerald> "Well the prosaic world remembers it as the "Year with out a Summer" that caused such famine." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:10:00] <Mirrinae> (this one: ?) [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:10:07] <Butler> Butler whispers, "1816, by human dating conventions. Quite a troublesome year." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:10:20] <Emerald> "I had carefuly planed to move an battle to near that volcano, there by giving me an exscuse to release great plums of dust. At the time this would have resulted in more rain." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:11:27] <Emerald> "But winter called in some favores from some noble of wind or light. I still don't know who for sure. And well the rest is history." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:13:31] <Emerald> "On the other hand, I am get her back now. Her great strong hold of the north grows weaker every day!" [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:14:10] <Butler> Butler whispers, "Surely, an alliance with the Power of Industrialization. Curious..." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:14:17] <Emerald> "And I have much of both the light and the dark supporting me." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:15:37] <Emerald> "They each think the are out witting the other. I don't truely care. Humans are just one more beast to me." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:15:45] Nick You are now known as Cement. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:15:58] <Mirrinae> Mirrinae notes that down with great interest [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:16:51] <Butler> (I can see why the Big E might want her out of the way. Too much competition on the human-despising front) [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:17:21] <Cement> "Ah my lady you wound me. Our great project is more then just esterminating some pest." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:18:29] <Cement> "It is poetry, and justice and restraint in one." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:18:40] Nick You are now known as Emerald. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:18:45] <Butler> Butler bristles slightly. "I would advise a little caution in your speech, sir. I have yet to see cement mix itself." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:19:31] <Emerald> "blaw, blaw, you organized factions have such high retoric. I don't trust your big words" [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:19:37] Nick You are now known as Cement. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:20:01] <Mirrinae> (from the cement's perspective: Humans never do anything useful besides mix us! Why should we care about them?) [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:21:11] <Butler> (unmixed cement is powder and rock and water and nothing at all.) [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:21:45] <Cement> Buttler: "But that is the bueaty of it. My former contrymen build great traps, ropes around the earth herself, and in so doing slowly press out there own lives." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:23:58] <Mirrinae> "Ah yes, suicide before murder, correct?" [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:24:06] <Butler> "What men choose is not my concern, but know that, in time, all things crumble, cement most of all. Even if the world should be paved level, in time, without the hand of mankind, it will be a sea of dust and you will be a fallen lord." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:25:59] <Cement> "True, Entropy's name sake is harsh force. But there have been creators before there were Men, and there shall be after. If we can win this damn war that is." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:28:51] Nick You are now known as Emerald. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:28:57] Nick You are now known as Smoke. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:29:01] <Butler> "But cement is so very human. It is as strong as them and as weak as them, and things built of cement are meant for today, not a hundred years hence." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:29:23] Nick You are now known as Cement. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:32:44] <Cement> "Yes, we Dark do not argue that we did not spring from the same force that makes humanity so vile. Indeed there are those that argue that we will have to turn our traps and seductions on our selves when Mankind is dead. However, until that day I fight to save each human death." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:33:44] <Butler> "In my opinion, you turned your artifices inwards long ago." Butler bows. "Good day." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:34:07] Nick You are now known as Emerald. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:36:13] <Mirrinae> *silently thanks Butler for doing that so she didn't have to* [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:36:23] Nick You are now known as Cement. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:36:27] <Mirrinae> (She was trying to be diplomatic) [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:36:41] <Cement> "Good day." he says gruffly. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:36:51] Nick You are now known as Emerald. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:36:51] <Butler> (Butler aims to serve. Just because he can't be rude doesn't mean he can't be factual... and terse.) [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:37:05] <Mirrinae> (indeed) [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:38:29] <Butler> (Now, you deal with the lady in charge. If you can steer the subject to Italy, we can work in a few poison references and see what happens. Or just bait her a bit about Excrucians. I'm sure you've got good ideas) [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:38:52] <Mirrinae> "So, mentioning the war, have you had many dealigns with Excrucians?" [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:40:20] <Emerald> "Ah, me. Well some of course. That battle at the volcano for example. Though I was really fighting on my sisters behaf there." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:41:07] <Emerald> "I heard that you had a bit of a fight on your hands in France? I hope it went well for you?" [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:41:50] <Mirrinae> "Yes., we succeeded in defeating it. I delivered the killing blow myself, which was unpleasant. Though I understand it was just a shard of the larger being?" [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:42:59] <Emerald> "Indeed, that is what they call them. Full excrusians are reasons to run away. But they have a hard time getting past the front lines." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:44:19] <Butler> (sorry, I've been called away on roommate wrangling duty. Back in 20 mins or so. Feel free to meddle without me. Butler is ever a loyal servant) [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:44:48] <Emerald> "Truely I am lucky. They don't come after our estates nearly so much as they do poor Shade's." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:45:18] Nick You are now known as Smoke. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:45:42] <Smoke> "Ah, thats not, its not that bad." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:46:07] <Mirrinae> "Is there a reason they prefer that target?" [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:49:40] <Smoke> "My Lord says that She is targeted because she fights ahead of the line. But She can be a little arogant. Doesn't exactly like admiting that other Imperators can beat her." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:50:04] <Mirrinae> "Ah, a delicate situation then." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:50:15] <Smoke> "Cement you get targeted fairly often right?" [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:51:26] <Smoke> ^^^ "Yes, I mean She desurves to be on top, and I'll breakany one who says other wise, but we aren't there yet." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:51:45] <Mirrinae> "Of course." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:52:00] Nick You are now known as Cement. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:52:05] <Mirrinae> "Who is your Imperator? I don't think you mentioned." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:53:46] <Cement> "Yeah, the Horsemen come after us at Air Strip One." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:53:49] Nick You are now known as Smoke. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:56:54] <Smoke> "The Lady Belial, Devil of Smoke, Mirrors, Blue, and Desserts" [Sunday 16 January 2011] [12:58:25] <Mirrinae> *to Emerald* "I understand your Imperator has had some difficulties with Excrucians?" [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:01:04] <Smoke> "She was poisened. She doesn't like to talk about it much." she sighs . . ."I wish I could help her more." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:01:28] <Smoke> --(Should have been Emerald) [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:01:31] Nick You are now known as Emerald. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:03:06] <Mirrinae> "Do you know anything about the method/symptoms?" [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:03:19] <Emerald> "I should take you to meet my Sister. I really should have brought you by her earlier. It's really her Chancel." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:03:46] <Mirrinae> "Excellent. Pleasure to meet you both." *bows again to the others* [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:04:06] <Emerald> "Like I said She doesn't talk about it much." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:04:11] Nick You are now known as Cement. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:04:27] <Cement> "Good to meet you" he says a bit gruffly. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:04:30] Nick You are now known as Smoke. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:04:46] <Smoke> "Good to meet you" [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:04:51] <Smoke> *bows [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:04:58] Nick You are now known as Emerald. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:06:19] <Emerald> "Why do you want to know? I don't think you have to worry about it happening to the Hydriarch. Though I guess if She had had powers at the time, thats what they would have thought." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:06:36] <Mirrinae> "Mere curiousity, I suppose." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:07:37] <Emerald> "That can get you in hot watter, if you aren't careful." she says patting you on the shoulder. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:08:06] <Mirrinae> "Understood." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:12:10] <Emerald> "But it was something special I hear. You need the equivalent of an abhorent weapon to poisin an Imperator for long. It is said that that Seberlain, also known as Negligence is such a poison." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:14:29] <Emerald> "Abhorent weapons, they can be a dangerous pasttime, but when you need one, you need one." she says with a haunted look in her eyes. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:15:28] <Mirrinae> "Uh, I think I've heard of those. Soemthign the Excrucians make?" [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:18:17] <Butler> (back, sorry) [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:18:26] <Mirrinae> (np) [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:18:27] <Emerald> "Though it is said that a few Imperators cant too. But I've never had time to track down if the rumors are true. There are People, Powers or Imperators. Some Spirits maybe. That simply can not be killed, or imprisoned. At least not with out great effort and for only a short time. But abhorent weapons, they kill." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:19:29] <Emerald> "Strife has one. She even shows it off. Its going to get her killed one of these days." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:19:36] Nick You are now known as Ruby. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:20:00] "Sister, guests. How are you finding our abode?" [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:20:29] "Anything we can do?" [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:21:04] <Butler> Butler bows. "It is a masterwork, madame. Exceptional in every way." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:21:36] <Mirrinae> "Indeed, very pleasant and beautiful." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:22:29] A woman who at first glanse looks like some nymph or river sprite, but her flesh is not water, or meat, but moltain glass, red-orenge. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:24:36] "Thank you. Your dress is very striking. As is *your* suit, a very fine silk." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:25:41] "It is only thanks to our servents, that we can host you so well." she continues to Butler. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:26:11] <Butler> "You are perceptive, madame. I have them tailored at Berwin and Berwin. And servants do as they are ordered, madame, no better and no worse." [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:27:34] <Mirrinae> (I'm going to have to go pretty soon) [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:27:41] <Butler> (dang) [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:29:00] (Okay, honestly I need to work on some back-plot details too. ) [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:29:11] <Mirrinae> (same time next week?) [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:29:21] (Works for me.) [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:29:28] <Butler> (Should work for me: I'll let you know via PM if not) [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:29:31] <Mirrinae> (cool) [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:29:40] <Mirrinae> later folks! [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:29:43] Part Mirrinae has left this channel. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:30:10] Sorry buttler.. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:30:24] <Butler> No problem. We got some good plotting in. ;) [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:30:43] <Butler> Best of luck with the metaplot and all that. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:31:04] I've never run a myster before, so If I seem to be doing something wrong, let me know. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:32:16] Error s/myster/mystery: Unknown command. [Sunday 16 January 2011] [13:32:37] See you around!