Specific Tech
- Textiles
- Light cloths, Silks, Hemp, knitted wool. AV1 Enc 0.1
- Heavy cloths, wool blends,Denim, Drill.AV2 Enc 0.2
- Leather
- Light leather. Suede,
- Heavy Leather. Tanned hide,
- Synthetics
- Urbanwear Synthplas
- Plastex
- Synthsilk
- Rigiplast. A flexible nanofibre weave that hardens due to directional force.
- ArmaPlas. Rigid or mesh.
- Metals
- Aluminium alloys
- Composites
- Carbon fibres
- Monocarbon (rigid)
- Ballistic Materials
- Hercuweave fibres [eq to kevlar III]
- Synthsilk Ballistic Weave
Clothing Sets
- Australian Army Extended Field Service Uniform [EFSU]
Fatigues [hempex with microsynth underlay, IR dispersal layer]. Reversible cam overlay [with LokDown clips to attach to fatigues] Rural/Urban. Plastex combat boots [waterproof]. Microsynth gloves. Webbing belt. Combat Service Helmet [iComm, HUD for tacint, inbuilt comms [secure encryption]]. NBC mask/neck drape.
Tech Items
- All technical, physical skills.
- An unpowered tool kit 1 [5kg]
- Electronics
- iCom with 2 type AAA eternabatteries
- Sonic proximity alarm [to 10 metres, remote, silent alarm option]uses 2x E1 eternabatteries
- Solar powered laptop [running Linux '036] with 1 x E1 eternabattery. Has inbuilt webcam, icomm, wireless, 3d screen,
- Military*
- Special operations army Urban woodland/residential [reversible] oversuit. Prismatic microfibre absorbs surrounding colors.
- Running*
- International competition class Parkour bodysleeve and regulation webbing/tools to Citathlon professional racing standards.
Rigiplast/ArmaP mesh weave suit [porous], includes hood. Hardened ArmaP skullhelm with integrated iComm, biomonitor and low light visual enhancement in an eyehelm HUD. Semirigid joint and neck/vitals protection. Webbing holds carbon fibre climbing pickaxe, collapsable climbing hook, synthsilk rope, crampons and wedges, compass, first aid kit, food and water pouches.
- Toys, useful
- Scoper [telemagniscope- kids toy, goes from X5 to X1/5]. Good for lighting fires, too!
- Automech
- A portable powered kit 3. [40kg] [2xE5 ECells]
- Marine Mech
- A portable powered marine speciality mechanics kit 3. [40kg][2xE5 ECells]
- Maintenance Engineer
- An unpowered gen maintenance Kit 2 [10kg]
- AvMech
- Aviation specialist powered kit 2 [20kg] 2xE1 ECells
- Electrician
- Powered electricians kit 2 [15kg].2xE1 ECells
- Generators.
- diesel engines [500w and 750w] [18 and 26kg]