Mu Town Mutant Mutiny Pizzazz
Pizzazz Plum
Lv 1
Str: 10 (+0)
Con: 4 (-3)
Dex: 3 (-3)
Int: 15 (+2)
Wis: 18 (+4)
Cha: 16 (+3)
Speed: 5 (6, -1 Heavy Armor)
Init: +2 (+5 temporal)
AC: 21 (+7 Heavy Armor, +2 Temporal, +1 Entropic, +1 Level)
Fort: 11
Ref: 14 (+1 Entropic)
Will: 15
HP: 16 Bloodied: 8
+4 to Dark Overcharge
Disordered: Resist 15 Necrotic. In addition, whenever you regain hit points, you take a -2 penalty to all defenses until the end of your next turn.
Disrupting Touch: At-Will, Std Action, Melee touch, +4 vs Fortitude, Hit: 2d8+5 necrotic damage and your attacks deal 5 extra necrotic damage to the target until the end of your next turn.
Temporal Fugue: At-Will, Std Action, Melee or Ranged Weapon, 8 vs. Reflex, Hit: 1d12+5 physical damage, you teleport the target 4 squares, and the target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Conspiracy +7
Perception +9
Science +7
Explorer's Kit
Duct Tape
Pickup Truck x2
Riding Horse
Heavily Patched Bio-Hazard Suit(Heavy Armor, +7 AC, -1 Speed)
Collapsible Baton Pen (Two-Handed Light Melee, +6 vs. AC, 1d12+3 damage)
Bottle Launcher (Two-Handed Light Ranged, +6 vs. AC, 1d12+3 Damage, range 10)
Alpha Mutation Deck
1 21. Time slide (dark) You exit the time stream for a while.; Minor action, Personal.; Effect: You step out of time and are removed from play. While you're under this effect, creatures have neither line of sight nor line of effect to you, and you have neither line of sight nor line of effect to any creature.* In addition, you can't take any actions except to return to time as an immediate reaction when a creature's turn ends. You reappear in your square, or in the nearest unoccupied square of your choice, and take your full turn.; Overcharge 10+: While you're outside of time, time passes quickly for you and you regain all of your hit points.; 9 or less: While you're outside of time, you lose track of time and don't return for 1d6 hours.
2 22. Kinetic Absorption (Dark, Healing) You absorb your foe's attack to make yourself stronger.; Immediate Interrupt, Personal.; Trigger: You take physical damage.; Effect: Instead of taking the triggering damage you regain hit points equal to that damage.; Overcharge 10+: You gain a bonus to the next melee attack roll you make before the end of your next turn equal to the triggering damage.; 9 or less: You absorb too much energy from the triggering damage and also take ongoing 10 damage (save ends).
3 24. Life Leech (Dark, Necrotic) You drain another creature's vitality to bolster yourself.; Standard action, Close burst 3.; Target: Each creature in burst.; Attack Level + 3 vs Fortitude; Hit: 5d8 + Constitution modifier + twice your level necrotic damage, and you gain 5 temporary hit points for each target you hit.; Overcharge 10+: you gain 5 + twice your level temporary hit points for each target you hit instead of 5.; 9 or less: After the attack you take 5d8 necrotic damage, and each target gains 5 temporary hit points.
4 25. Reflexive Teleport (Dark, Teleportation) You switch places with an enemy.; Immediate interrupt, Ranged 10.; Trigger: You are hit by an attack; Target: One creature; Attack: Level + 3 vs Will; Hit: You and the target teleport, swapping positions. The triggering attack hits the target instead, and misses you if you're out of range.; Miss: You teleport 3 squares after the triggering attack.; Overcharge 10+: The triggering attack scores a critical on the target.; 9 or less: After you teleport, you fall prone, and are dazed until the end of your next turn.
5 26. Gravity well (Dark, Zone) You create a temporary area of gravity that pulls creatures toward it.; Standard action, Area burst 5 within 20.; Target: Each creature in burst; Attack: Level + 3 vs Fortitude; Hit: The target is pulled 5 squares toward the burst's origin square.; Effect: the burst becomes a zone that lasts until the start of your next turn. If the target moves away from the burst's origin square, each square of that movement it treated as difficult terrain.; Overcharge 10+: Whenever a creature ends its turn within the zone, make the attack against that creature as a free action.; 9 or less: You fall prone and can't stand up (save ends).
6 31. Redirection (Dark) You redirect a ranged attack to another target.; Immediate Interrupt, Personal; Trigger: An enemy hits you with a ranged attack; Effect: The triggering attack misses you instead.* Choose a creature within 5 squares of you.* The triggering enemy rerolls the attack against that target.; Overcharge: When you use this power, you can roll a d20.; 10+: The triggering attack scores a critical hit against the new target.; 9 or less: The triggering attack scores a critical hit against you instead of missing.
7 36. Teleportation (Psi, Teleportation) Bamf!; Benefit: You can teleport 10 squares during your turn as a move action.; Special: You can expend this power to teleport 1000 squares (1 mile) as a move action.; Overcharge: When you use this power, you can roll a d20.; 10+: While this card is readied, you also teleport each creature within 5 squares of you 10 squares (or 1 mile if you expend the power).; 9 or less: While this card is readied, at the start of each of your turns, you teleport 1d6 squares in a random direction as a free action.
8' 37. Vampiric Healing (Dark, Healing, Necrotic) Go on, sink your fangs in.* You'll feel better.* Standard action, Melee touch; Target: One creature; Attack: Level +3 vs. Fortitude; Hit: 3d8 + Constitution modifier + twice your level necrotic damage, and the target is dazed until the end of your next turn.* In addition, you regain hit points equal to 5 + your level.; Miss: The power is not expended.; Overcharge: When you hit with this power, you can roll a d20.; 10+ The target takes 3d8 extra necrotic damage.; 9 or less: The target gains vampiric healing and can use it once while this card is readied.
9 16.*Metal Body*(A; C; Dark)*"Hey tin man, enough with the squeaking.* And do something about that glare!"* Benefit: Your skin changes to shiny, banded metal. You gain a +1 power bonus to AC, and your maximum hit point value increase by 15.; Overcharge: When you start your turn, you can roll a d20.; 10+: While this card is readied, the power bonus to AC increases to +2, and your maximum hit point value increases by 30 instead of 15.; 9 or less: Your metal skin grows too thick, and you make like a metal statue (save ends). While under this effect, you are stunned.
10 18.*Hands of Time*(A; C; Dark, Psychic)*You touch a foe and send it spiraling through the space-time continuum.*Standard Action, Melee 1; Target: One creature; Attack: Level + 3 vs. Reflex; Hit: 3d8 + twice your level psychic damage, and the target is removed from play. While under this effect, the target can’t take any actions and has neither line of sight nor line of effect to any creature, and no creature has line of sight or line of effect to it. When this effect ends, the target reappears in its square, or in the nearest unoccupied square of its choice. Roll a d6 to determine the duration of the effect:; 1-2: Until the start of your next turn.; 3-4: Until the end of your next turn.; 5-6: Save ends.; Overcharge: When you hit with this power, you can roll a d20.; 10+: The attack deals 3d8 extra physical damage.; 9 or less: You’re also removed from play until the target reappears.
11 19.*Hands of Power*(A; C; Dark, Varies)*You draw on random ambient dark energy in the area and blast it from your hands.*Standard Action, Close Blast 3; Target: Each creature in blast; Attack: Level + 3 vs. Reflex; Hit: 4d8 + twice your level damage. Roll a d6 to determine the damage type. 1-2: electricity; 3-4: fire; 5-6: radiation.; Overcharge: When you use this power, you can roll a d20.; 10+: The attack deals 2d8 extra damage of the same type.; 9 or less: After the attack, you are stunned until the end of your next turn.
'12 49. Phase Strike (A; U; Dark, Physical, Weapon) You shift your enemy out of phase for a short time, which disorients it. Standard action, Melee or ranged; Target: One creature; Attack: Level + Wisdom vs. Will; Hit: 2[W] + Wisdom modifier + your level physical damage, and the target is stunned and takes ongoing 5 physical damage (save ends both).*Overcharge: When you use this power, you can roll a d20; 10+: The attack deals 2[W] extra physical damage; 9 or less: Your attack misses because your weapon temporarily vanishes (save ends).
13 97.*Explode!*(A; R; Dark, Fire)*Every molecule in your body explodes outward at the speed of light. It’s quite a trip.*Minor Action, Close Burst 5; Target: Each creature in burst; Attack: Level + 3 vs. Reflex; Hit: 5d8 + twice your level fire damage, and you push the target 3 squares and knock it prone.; Effect: You blow yourself to bits (save ends). While under this effect, you can’t take any actions except to make saving throws. When you save, you reconstitute yourself and appear in your previous square, or the nearest unoccupied square.; Overcharge: When you use this power, you can roll a d20.; 10+: The attack deals 5d8 extra fire damage on a hit.; 9 or less: You fizzle and the attack deals only 1d8 fire damage. (You are still blown to bits.)