Cuddlesaurus and the Jellybean of Destiny Geordy

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Geordy is a character played by Ferrus Animus in Snarf's Gamma World Campaign Cuddlesaurus and the Jellybean of Destiny!


XP: 1794 (Level 3)

HP/Bloodied: 32/16

Initiative: +1

Speed: 6+1-1


AC: 19

Fortitute: 19

Reflex: 16

Will: 17


Simian: Strength; Bio;

  • +2 to BIO overcharge.
  • +4 bonus to Athletics checks
  • +1 bonus to Fortitude and Reflex
  • +1 speed

Ectoplasmic: Wisdom; Dark;

  • +2 to DARK overcharge
  • +4 bonus to Perception checks
  • while bloodied: resist 5 all


Novice Primary: Ape Rage (At-Will; Shift 2, +11 vs. AC, 2d8+1d6+9 and +2 power bonus to your next attack roll against the target before the end of my next turn)

Novice Secondary: Ectoplasmic Plunge (At-Will; +8 vs Ref, 2d8+13 psychic damage; Effect: Shift 2 squares to any unoccupied square adjacent to the target)

Expert Secondary Scattered Essence (Encounter; Imm Rea when bloodied; CB 3; +8 vs Fort, 3d6+5 psychic damage and dazed; Effect: Shift 3 squares to any unoccupied square in the Burst.

Critical Feature (Ectoplasmic) +1d10 damage and regain 7 HP.

Utility power (Simian) Monkey Leap (Move, Athletics +5 to jump, enemies adjacent to landing grant CA)

(-4 attack, 1d12 damage if using rifle) (if using mass pistol for ranged attacks, instead deals 2d6 damage and slows at -5 attack)


Str 18 (+4)

Con 10 (+0)

Dex 7 (-2)

Int 13 (+1)

Wis 16 (+3)

Cha 5 (-3)


Acrobatics +3

Athletics +17

Conspiracy +6

Insight +8

Interaction +2

Mechanics +6

Nature +8

Perception +12

Science +6

Stealth +3


Armor: Heavy Armor

Melee: Heavy 2-Handed Melee

Ranged: Heavy 2-Handed Ranged

Ranged: Light 2-Handed Gun (Dabber Rifle x2)

Ranged: Light 1-Handed Gun (Mass Pistol): Ranged 10; 2d6 physical + slowed until the end of my next turn

Other: Duct Tape, Night Vision Goggles, Pickup Truck, Water Purifier, Mini Fridge, 15 Inch Computer Monitor

Omega Tech:

Stun Whip:

1-H melee (3), +13 vs. AC, 1d10+6 elec + stun (se)

Omniscient Goggles:

Minor Action: X-Ray, Dark and True Vision

2x Disruptor Pike:

2-H ranged (AB 1 within 10), +11 vs. Fort, 3d8+4 sonic + dazed (save ends)


2-H Melee 1; +11 vs. Reflex, 3d8 + 8 electricity damage, and the target is stunned (save ends)

Inviso Armor:

Light Armor; Minor Action: invisible uteoynt.

Salvage 6

Alpha Mutations:

Gravity Well

(Dark, Zone)

You create a temporary area of gravity that pulls creatures toward it.

Standard action, Area burst 5 within 20.; Target: Each creature in burst; Attack: Level + 3 vs Fortitude; Hit: The target is pulled 5 squares toward the burst's origin square.; Effect: the burst becomes a zone that lasts until the start of your next turn. If the target moves away from the burst's origin square, each square of that movement it treated as difficult terrain.;

Overcharge 10+: Whenever a creature ends its turn within the zone, make the attack against that creature as a free action.; 9 or less: You fall prone and can't stand up (save ends).


(A; R; Psi, Psychic)

You’re like a 5-year old with a bucket of Halloween candy.

Standard Action, Personal; Effect: You make an initiative roll. While this card is readied, you act two times each round – once on your original initiative and once on your new initiative.;

Overcharge: When you use this power, you can roll a d20.; 10+: You gain a +2 power bonus to AC and Reflex while this card is readied.; 9 or less: You become overcharged with energy while this card is readied. While you’re under this effect, if you don’t end your turn at least 5 squares away from the square you started in, you take 10 psychic damage.


Geordy looks nearly human, at least above the knees. His legs however are digitigrade, like those some on the animals depicted in ancient art, ending in birdlike, clawed feet. While the rest of his body looks human in form, there are a few abnormalities (at least for inhabitants not from Gamma Terra): His hands only have 4 fingers and feature scales and claws like his feet. Also up close his dark hair resembles a hybrid of normal hair und small feathers. His facial features would be described as "hawklike" by those knowing what a hawk is, for most others would just tell you they fit his streamlined body.

Small bolts of electricity occasionally run over his body.

His clothing consists of leather clothing covered in small metal plates which seem to have been cannibalized from ancient plaques decorated with smiling genetically engineered humans and strange bottles. Over his shoulders slung is a bow made from metal and wood and he has a long piece of chain tied to his belt, with a strange looking pistol on the other side.


Geordy's parents were archaeologists and eager ones at that. Obsessed with learning about the culture of the ancients, they spend much time studying any transcripts they could find, be it about the political struggle of the leader only known as "Canan the Boarbarian" or the exploits of the mischievious hoop "Bugs Buggy". When their son was born and displayed his uncanny speed they named him after one of the mythic heroes of bygone times. A hero known for using his abilities to protect his peers on earth, for saving space princesses from their evil tyrant fathers and for his superior engineering ability saving his spaceship dozens of times. Strifing to fulfill the ideals his parents taught him, Geordy roams between wastes, collecting treasures to create wonderous machinery and helping those in need, if he can't escape unseen.