Alicia McBride
October 1937
It was Wrong to tell a lie. Alicia knew that. But it was wrong for Mike to abandon her, and completely forget their Satrday morning routine, just because he liked some stupid girl from his stupid middle school, too. So if she had to tell a lie, or two, or, well, a lot of them so she could follow him, that wasn't so bad, was it?
And it was so easy, too. Alicia had invented a complicated tale involving a sick mother, some needed medicine that Alicia had to take the bus downtown to pick up because her brother wasn't home and her fater was at the stadium watching Notre Dame play, so even though she was only seven, it was okay for her to ride the bus alone, and to be let into the movie theater where her brother had taken the stupid girl, and on and on the lies went.
The amazing thing was, everyone believed her. Nobody questioned a thing. And in the end, even Mike wasn't mad at her; he had realized how stupid te stupid girl wad, and he was glad for any excuse to get away from her.
So, maybe, Alicia decided, lying wasn't so Wrong after all...