Kaylob's Desired Spells
This is a list of the spells that Kaylob would be most interested in learning. This list is presented mainly as a point of reference for the GM, because of the way the magic system in Midnight works. In order for Kaylob to learn any spell, he must first find a spiritual channeler who is willing to teach him. Because it is the GM's job to introduce NPCs who are capable of training players like Kaylob, this list is a sort of "shopping list" for spells that the GM can give to NPCs that the players encounter.
These spells are presented here unaltered. However, because of the slightly different magic system in Midnight, a Conversion Notes section will also be included with each spell. This is to provide some suggestions on how to convert the spell over to Midnight, and in some cases, how to convert it over to a spell that Kaylob would actually want to use or be capable of using.
source: Dragon 340, pg 74
Transmutation [Good, Light]
Level: Drd 3
Components: V,S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: Bridge, 5 ft. wide and up to 10 ft./level long
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: No