Ser Gwynn Andesh, Master At Arms

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Ser Gwynn Andesh, "Blackspear", Master At Arms

Ser Gwynn Andesh serves as Master At Arms to the Lord Styrion of <<Castlename>>. He is a brooding, towering man in his middle ages. He has a very strong sense of honour and duty, and is honour bound to serve his lord. He has a reputation of being hard on the men, some even say he is cruel. Nonetheless he is an inspiring war leader who certainly knows how to intimidate his opponents.

He dresses mainly in black, and frequently dons his all-black scale armour. His favoured weapon is the spear, and consequently this has earned him the nickname 'Blackspear'. Over the years he has hand selected a small group of the most capable and trusted soldiers to serve as a personal elite fighting force and honour guard. These men are known colloquially as The Stormspears, as Ser Gwynn has trained them all in the use of the spear, which he considers the most versatile of weapons.

He has never taken a wife, putting his duty to his lord before such matters. However, he certainly enjoys the company of the ladies - more often than not at the local whorehouse.

Age: 42

Status: 3


Agility: 3 (Flaw: bad back -1D)

Animal Handling: 3 (Ride 1B)

Athletics: 2 (Swim 1B)

Awareness : 2 (Notice 1B)

Cunning: 2

Deception: 2

Endurance: 3

Fighting: 4 (Spear 1B, Long Blades: 1B)

Healing: 2

Knowledge: 3 (Streetwise: 1B)

Language (common) 3

Marksmanship: 3

Persuasion: 5 (Intimidate 1B)

Status: 3

Stealth: 2

Survival: 2

Thievery: 1

Warfare: 4 (Command 2B Tactics: 1B)

Will: 3 (Courage: 1B)

Available Destiny points: 1

Drawbacks Honour bound (re-roll 6s on deception tasks)

Threatening (-2 on Charm or seduce. -2 defence if first action not intimidate)

Benefits Connections (in the local town)

Spear Fighter I (free attack again on miss)

Cardre : (10 veteran fighters, personal guard known as the 'Stormspears')


Posessions Clothes, dagger.

Suit of Scale armour

Castleforged Longsword, 3 Castleforged spears (1 is a boar spear)

Double curved bow + 2 dozen arrows

Horse (Courser): "Thunder"