Doran Keel
Age: 21
Status: 2
Agility: 2
Animal Handling: 4
Athletics: 3
Awareness : 4
Cunning: 2
Deception: 2 (-1d Flaw: Bad Liar)
Endurance: 3
Fighting: 3
Healing: 2
Knowledge: 2
Language (common) 2
Marksmanship: 3
Persuasion: 2
Status: 2
Stealth: 4
Survival: 4
Thievery: 2
Warfare: 2
Will: 2
Animal Handling: Charm (1b), Train (2b)
Marksmanship: Bows (1b)
Stealth: Sneak (2b)
Survival: Hunt (1b), Track (2b)
Benefits & Drawbacks
Available Destiny points: 1
Animal Cohort (Hunting Hound)
Great Hunter
Beast friend
Common Clothes and a Dagger
Hunting Bow with 24 arrows (120ss)
Battle Axe (50ss)
Spear and Boar Spear (90ss)
Soft Leather (300ss)
Pocket money 1 Gold and 10 Silver Stags
Derived Stats
Intrigue Stats
Intrigue Defense: 8
Composure: 6
Combat Stats
AR: 2
Damage: Battle Axe:3, Spear:3 Boar Spear:4, Bow:3
Combat Defense
Base: 10
In armour:9