The Wyzard Runs TFT: The Adventurers
The following are the Adventurers currently active in The Wyzard's Fantasy Trip campaign. Most of the items on the sheet should be self-explanatory. Subquest should list any important personal goals that the PC has at the moment; this is a way for me to keep track of what the characters are looking out for and pursuing. AdjDX is the character's dexterity score after adjustment for armor. Dominant hand should list whatever the PC usually has in their hand, which in most cases will be their primary weapon. Off-hand should list a shield or whatever else the PC might have there. You may, of course, customize your character's entry in any way that you find useful and readable.
All entries for weapons and armor should include the damage they do or absorb, respectively.
The Player Characters
Vital Statistics
- Description
- Subquest
- XP
- Tokens: 2
- ST:
- DX:
- AdjDX:
- IQ:
- MA:
- Dominant Hand:
- Off-hand:
- Armor:
- Other Gear:
- Loot:
Vital Statistics
- Description
- Subquest
- XP
- Tokens: 2
- ST:
- DX:
- AdjDX:
- IQ:
- MA:
- Dominant Hand:
- Off-hand:
- Armor:
- Other Gear:
- Loot:
Gworg the Unwise
Vital Statistics
- Description
- Subquest
- XP
- ST:
- DX:
- AdjDX:
- IQ:
- MA:
- Dominant Hand:
- Off-hand:
- Armor:
- Other Gear:
- Loot:
Vital Statistics
- Description Korg is a large man who grew up working in an inn, gaining sizeable strength from carrying various items around. One day, while searching in the basements beneath the inn, he found a suit of armour and an axe. Finding them amazingly comfortable, he decided to go off in search of the adventure he had always heard the customers at the inn talking about.
- Subquest
- XP
- Tokens: 2
- ST:14
- DX: 12
- AdjDX: 7/6
- IQ:12
- MA:
Talents:Acute Hearing
Manuever in Armor
- Dominant Hand: Viking Long Axe 2d6+1
- Off-hand: Viking Round Shield Block 2, DX Penalty -1, Balanced
- Armor: Partial Plate Hits Stopped 5, DX Penalty -5, MA Penalty -3
- Other Gear: Bit/Bridle
Saddle Saddlebag Dreyhorse Backpack 6 Spikes 10' Pole 35 meters of rope Travelling clothes
- Loot:
Vital Statistics
- Description
- Subquest
- XP
- Tokens: 2
- ST: 12
- DX: 14
- AdjDX: 13
- IQ: 12
- MA:
Bow (2), Sword (2), Natural Language (0), Literacy (2), Occultist (2), Occult Magic (2), Spell: Heal (1), Physicker (2), Shield (1)
- Dominant Hand: Broad Sword
- Off-hand: Spiked Buckler
- Armor: Leather Jerkin (1 hit stopped, -1 DX, 0 MA)
- Other Gear:
- Composite bow (2 kg)
- Quiver w/20 arrows (2 kg??)
- Boots (1 kg)
- Traveling clothes (2 kg)
- Backpack (1 kg)
- Physicker's kit (2 kg)
- 2 days of iron rations (1 kg)
- Waterskin (2 kg)
- Pack mule (110-140 kg capacity):
- 200 arrows (5 kg??)
- Mail shirt (12 kg) (3 hits stopped, -3 DX, -2 MA (alternate armor))
- Hooded lamp (1 kg)
- 10 torches (5 kg)
- 30 meters of rope (3 kg)
- Shovel
- Hatchet
- 2 Saddlebags (4 kg)
- 14 days of iron rations (7 kg)
- 10 sheets of paper, quill, ink
- Labyrinth kit (3 kg)
- Bedroll
- 10 flasks of oil
- 5 vials of holy water
- 10 cloves of garlic
- 10 sprigs of wolfsbane
Vital Statistics
- Description
- Subquest
- XP
- Tokens: 2
- ST:
- DX:
- AdjDX:
- IQ:
- MA:
- Dominant Hand:
- Off-hand:
- Armor:
- Other Gear:
- Loot:
Ivan the Sage
Vital Statistics
- Description: Ivan is a thin, middle-aged man of otherwise average proportions. He sports a neatly trimmed graying beard and clothes that wouldn't be out of place on a court official. While he makes a show of sometimes berating his newfound accomplices for the dangers they expose themselves to, he's much happier with them than on the run from the lord he upset with some embarrassing fact about his past.
- Subquest: -
- XP: -
- Tokens: 2
- ST: 10
- Fatigue: -
- DX: 13
- AdjDX: 12
- IQ: 15
- MA: 10
Talents: Literacy, Apprentice, Dead Language (Old Amaranthian), History, Hieroglyphics, Research, Logic
Spells: Aid (1/1), Dazzle (3), Bark Skin (1), Magic Fist (1/1), Staff (35)
- Dominant Hand: Staff (3-die MF, 4-die MF, Dazzle) (deals 1 die in melee)
- Off-hand: -
- Armor: Leather Jerkin (1 hit stopped, 1 DX penalty, 5 kg)
- Other Gear: Spellbook (Waterproofing, Create Air, Pure Water, Find Mineral)
- Loot: 16 gold crowns
Non-Player Characters
Spurk the Torchbearer
Vital Statistics
- Description: Spurk is a thirteen year old street urchin that the Adventurers recruited to bear light sources. While not unduly courageous, he enjoys basking in their reflected glory, and finds that he is better supported as an itinerant lackey than he was begging on the streets.
- Subquest: Improve his station in life and assist the Adventurers
- XP: None. Special note: at any one time, a single character may engage in training Spurk in any one talent they know. This will allow him to use his unspent talent points. From time to time, I will rule that sufficient opportunity for teaching has passed and that he gains the talent so taught. At that time, the same PC or a different one may engage in teaching Spurk some new desired skill. He has currently spent 4 out of 15 TP, and so has eleven left. This may in some cases require the purchase of equipment for his use.
- ST: 8
- DX: 11
- AdjDX: 11
- IQ: 13
- MA: 10
Talents: Beg, Dagger, Dodge, Streetwise
- Dominant Hand: Beacon Lantern (illuminates a forward cone out to 8MH)
- Off-hand: Torch (illuminates a circle 3MH in diameter)
- Armor: None.
- Other Gear: Labyrinth Kit, Backpack, 4 Molotails, 4 torches, 1 wk rations, waterskin, 2 daggers.
- Loot: 15 shillings
The Pack Mule
Blank Sheet
Name the Title
Vital Statistics
- Description
- Subquest
- XP
- ST:
- DX:
- AdjDX:
- IQ:
- MA:
- Dominant Hand:
- Off-hand:
- Armor:
- Other Gear:
- Loot: