In Exilium
This is the wiki page for the play-by-post FATE game, In Exilium, using the Free FATE system modified by a homebrewed hack.
It tells the story of a community of escaped slaves, carving out a new niche for themselves in the untamed wilderness of an unfamiliar world.
Recruitment Thread
Out Of Character Threads
In Character Threads
Campaign House Rules
The In Exilium setting and house rules are available here.[br]
- Refresh Rate: 5
- Starting Aspects: the 4 listed are compulsory. The document says "5" because I removed one of the listed Aspects (originally Something I Love and Something I Hate were two distinct Aspects) without changing the number. My fault; will fix in the new version of the document
- Stunts You have 4 free Stunts that do not cost Refresh; this means the campaign's actual Refresh Rate is 9. I've chosen 9 instead of 10 because PCs can also gain compel-less Fate Points from appeasing gods/spirits/the Fates in the course of play; this is generally going to be at my discretion as a reward for good RP.
- Resources: Nobody is allowed to take Resources in their skill pyramid at character creation.
- Workplace: Once settled in the Keep, all PCs will have one free Workplace pertaining to their role in the community.