Lord-Captain Alexis Nikolaos Viaticus

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Name: Alexis Nikolaos Viaticus
Career Path: Rogue Trader
Rank: 1

Home world: Noble Born
Birthright: Child of the Creed
Lure of the Void: Zealot (Favoured of the Faithful)
Trials and Travails: High Vendetta
Motivation: Prestige
Lineage: Of Extensive Means (A Powerful Legacy)

XP: 5750/5750


Weapon Skill: 40 (4)
Ballistics Skill: 30 (3)
Strength: 30 (3)
Toughness: 35 (3)
Agility: 30 (3)
Intelligence: 50 (5)
Perception: 30 (3)
Willpower: 30 (3)
Fellowship: 60 (6)

Wounds: 9
Corruption: 0
Insanity: 0
Fate 3/3


Etiquette: -5 Fellowship vs. Ecclesiarchy
Vendetta: Enemies of the House occasionally menace the Explorer.
Brook No Insult: Take Willpower test when insulted or react violently.
Exceptional Leader: Once per round, grant an ally the Explorer can see and hear a +10 bonus to any one test.
Role: Lord-Captain: Able to grant Exceptional Leader to anyone aboard their ship.


Pistol Weapon Training (Universal): Includes Bolt, Las, Launcher, Primitive and SP Pistol weapon training
Melee Weapon Training (Universal): Includes Chain, Shock, Power and Primitive Melee weapon training
Air of Authority: Affect more targets with successful Command Test.
Ambidextrous: Use either hand equally well.
Die Hard: Re-roll death chance incurred by blood loss.
Unshakeable Faith The Explorer may re-roll failed Fear Tests.
Renowned Warrant: Gain +10 bonus to Interaction tests
Talented (Charm): Gain +10 bonus to any Charm Test
Talented (Command): Gain +10 bonus to any Command Test
Talented (Intimidate): Gain +10 bonus to any Intimidate Test
Talented (Deceive): Gain +10 bonus to any Deceive Test
Peer (Nobility): Gain +10 bonus on Fel Tests to interact with Imperial Nobility
Peer (Adeptus Mechanicus): Gain +10 bonus on Fel Tests to interact with the Adeptus Mechanicus
Peer (Ecclesiarchy): Gain +10 bonus on Fel Tests to interact with the Ecclesiarchy



Charm (TN: 70)
Command (TN: 70)
Commerce (TN: 60)
Deceive (TN: 40)
Inquiry (TN: 60)


Evaluate (TN: 50)
Literacy (TN: 50)
Speak Language (High Gothic) (TN: 50)
Speak Language (Low Gothic) (TN: 50)

Intelligence: Lores

Common Lore (Imperium) (TN: 50)
Scholastic Lore (Astromancy) (TN: 50)


Pilot (Spacecraft) (TN: 30)


Awareness (TN: 30)


Power Sword, Mezoa-Pattern (Good): Melee, Damage 1d10+8 E, Penetration 5, Power Field, Balanced, 6kg, +10 to Parry Tests
Plasma Pistol, Ryza-Pattern: Pistol, Range 30m, Rate of Fire S/2/-, Damage 1d10+6 E, Penetration 7, Clip 10, Reload 3 Full, Overheat, 4 kg
Frag Grenade (x4): Grenade, Range SB*3m, Rate of Fire S/-/-, Damage 2d10 X, Penetration 0, Blast (4), 0.5kg
Smoke Grenade (x4): Grenade, Range SB*3m, Rate of Fire S/-/-, Damage - , Penetration 0, Smoke, 0.5kg
Storm Trooper Carapace(Best): Locations All, Armor Points 7, 7.5 kg


Void Suit
Set of Fine Clothing
Xeno-pelt Cloak (Rixian Razorscale)
Filtration Plugs

XP Expenditure


Awareness: 100
Dodge: 100
Pilot (Spacecraft: 100


Ambidextrous: 200
Renowned Warrant: 200


Fellowship, Simple: 100
Intelligence, Simple: 100


Lineage: A Powerful Legacy: 350

