- Name: Alaric Flynn
- Rank: 9 (Ascended)
- Careers: Guardsman - The Art of Death - Vindicare Assassin
- Background:
- Appearance:
- WS: 60
- BS: 69
- S: 35
- T: 44
- Ag: 63
- Int: 25
- Per: 40
- WP: 37
- Fel: 25
- Wounds: 18
- Fate Points: 2
- Corruption: 25
- Insanity: 29
- Total XP Spent: 13, 150
- Unspent XP: 550
- XP to next rank:
- Head: 3
- R. Arm: 3
- L. Arm: 3
- Body: 3
- R. Leg: 3
- L. Leg: 3
Awareness (Per): +20
Barter (Fel)
Carouse (T)
Charm (Fel)
Climb (S): +10
Command (Fel)
Concealment (Ag) : +20
Contortionist (Ag)
Deceive (Fel)
Disguise (Fel)
Dodge (Ag): +10
Evaluate (Int)
Gamble (Int)
Inquiry (Fel)
Intimidate (S): T
Logic (Int)
Scrutiny (Per)
Search (Per)
Silent Move (Ag): +10
Swim (S): T
Tech-Use (Int)